Happy Birthday to the electrifying and thunderous Sagittarius!
The preachers and the comedians of the zodiac.
Just like their archer, symbol, Sagitarrians always have an end in mind, a goal to which they are aimed. These rambunctious spirits are the mutable fire signs of the zodiac. Mutable, meaning adaptable, having a dynamic duality and fluctuating widely between extremes. The fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagitarrius are strongly influenced by spirit and energy, making them...well very lively, spirited, spiritual and energetic beings. When fire is expressed in a mutable way, that's electricity, with one bolt of lightning able to power a city like New York for a whole year but also adaptable enough to charge your cell phone. It can be used to cook your food, but it can also be used to cook you. Sagittarians are governed by Jupiter, the largest planet in our galaxy with a gravatational pull strong enough to tug on the Sun. This makes them counter-Kings of the zodiac to Leo, like the Papacy and the King, heads of the church and of the state which co-influence each other. Jupiter is representative of the Papacy or the sign of the Prophet. Jupiter is also the Roman chief deity and god of the sky, lightning, thunder and storms, also known as Zeus and Thor in Greek and Norse theology respectively. These influences are believed to create personalities given to expansive and unlimited perspectives and thought like Jupiter and the sky, which is why if there is anything Sagittarians detest most, it is restrictions and boundaries for they are so accustomed to roaming free and wild, just like wild mustangs on the prairie and the quintessential social liberal, nonconformists and rebel. Try to tame or control one and Lord help you. They will buck and jack and kick and fling an oppressor violently off their backs and across the abyss like a sling shot stone. Jupiter's influence also causes them to be highly creative, imaginative and innovative almost with magical minds which surge with electricity and excitement as they are allowed to brainstorm and pop off new ideas like a whirlwind. If you are looking to think outside the box, the novel Sagittarious is what you need in your think tank. Being such long range thinkers and "big picture" visionaries, the flaw that catches them often is their failed attention to the finer details. Sagittarians hate to be bothered with petty matters. When viewing everything from such an elevated and panoramic perspective, small things bug them like pesky gnats, they get in the way and are distractive to their grand visions. Because of this, they would rather delegate the job of being anal about minor details to someone else more prone to nit-pickiness, for they are too laid back to bother. The "BIG" element of Jupiter also plays out in their love for the outdoors and travel. They are most at peace and at home where there are no walls or ceilings and can get up and go as they please and the outdoors provide that. They can stare for hours at the night sky or watch clouds or become mesmerized by storms. Travel feeds their lust for freedom and their quest for knowledge and variety as they study diverse cultures. Just like a Texas Cowboy, your Sagittarian does nothing on a small scale, everything they take on will seem to need be bigger and larger than life, big hair, loud music, loud colors and just loads of fabulousness. Some will have fun with it, and it may be a little too much for some, but no one will call a Sag, boring or not enough. Sag's are just EXTRA!!!! um, did I really need a fourth exclamation point?
Besides having the energy and liveliness of a big city like New York, these boisterous beings also have a very quiet, spiritual center like that of a glowing candle in their hearts. When these rock stars are not in party mode, which is occasional, (even a Sag needs to catch their breath every once in a while) you will find probably one of the deepest thinkers you'll come across centered on profound and enduring spiritual and philosophical principles like love, truth, loyalty, justice and freedom, core principles which are essential to their personality make up. They like to have fun, but these are not airheads by far. They are highly intelligent, wise and with it, more than most. In the celestial sky, they are depicted as a centaur, half man/half horse with drawn bow and arrow firing behind them on an arch at Scorpio. The centaur represents the duality of their personality, the wild, thundering and adventurous horse half, and the wise, sophisticated and philosophical man half. This combination makes them both the preachers and comedians of the zodiac, the natural rustic, and the urbane socialite. They are both the rough and tumble jocks and the studious and nerdy bookworms. Being ruled by idealistic, almost utopian spiritual morals, those with more laxed principles, might find Sagitarrius rather self-righteous. Yet on the contrary, they are likely not to subscribe to organized religious rituals. They would rather study, meditate and preach principles, not dogma. All fire signs struggle with big egos, they often get caught up in their own charismatic personalities, it just differs with what their egos are rooted in. With Sagittarius, they can be very prideful in their immense knowledge base as they spend much of their lives researching, cataloging and storing up data on a full range of topics which then makes them well versed on a variety of subjects and cultures. If your friend has an expansive home library, they are likely a Sagittarius. Some may find them rather erudite and quite the know-it-alls. When engaging with them in conversation, expect to discover a professor or a scholar. When encountering those who are woefully ignorant and less exposed or cultured, a Sagittarian is likely to get up on their high horses and deal with them rather condescendingly and with snobbish aloofness. "What? This fool knows nothing about Bach? And he thinks Plato is silly putty? Scoff!" So, if you want to catch a Sagittarius, you had better do your homework before meeting with them and share something with them that they didn't know before. They will be impressed and drawn to you with fascination as a new source of information they have not yet acquired. In old age, they are likely to become wise community elders everyone consults for their sagely wisdom, rich stories and witty anecdotes. Because of this, they will make beloved grandparents.
The theme of lightning affects these spunky personalities by giving them quick-wittedness, spontaneity, impulsivity, and independence. Unless you can also think at the speed of light, you might not want to engage in verbal repartee with a Sagittarius. These razor tongues have been known to creatively mince a foe in short order with smiles on their faces and then utterly shatter their hurt feelings with the infamous Sagitarrius cackle which comes like thunder and loud enough to wake the dead. Most times, they intend to hurt no one, but their blunt, direct and abrupt deliveries on how they honestly think and feel often still manages to cut fragile egos to pieces. The lightning in their spirit causes them to speak and act before thinking making them quite impulsive and reckless in just about everything they do. While they are able to acheive much, they may do so by massive collateral damage. When it comes to spontaneity, they can get up and go anywhere and do anything in a spark, no need to get ready. As for independence, like lightning, their power is totally wireless and untied down. They don't follow trends, they create them. Just in their physical activity throughout the day is a mark of lightning playing out in them, they will zap around from task to task and from room to room like a ping-pong, they just can't sit still. They walk fast and they talk fast. They seem to be always on the go. Lightning also represents the magic of their imaginations and their streaks of luck and good fortune.
The theme of thunder is evident in the fact that these are not quiet and soft-spoken individuals. They tend to talk loud, laugh loud with startling outburts and clapping hands, they walk heavy and they may even like to shout with jolly gusto when they're really happy "Whooo Doggy!" "Hot Damn!". You will hear these thunderous and noisy beings coming yards away. You just have to be prepared to entertain these big personalities and give them their space. These fireballs tend to be both intimidating and charming to others at the same time just like a beautiful storm. These jokesters will have you laughing and loving them in no time while at the same time wondering, "What in the hell are they on? No more coffee for Mr. Horseyman." Thunder is also aligned with the horse element of their being, like thundering hooves in a gallop. While lightning gives Sagitarrians artistic talents, thunder avails Sagittarians athletic talents as well, especially those which involve, running, jumping and kicking, i.e. track and field, cross country, soccer and kickboxing, archery and javelin throwing. You might also notice them well-developed in the hips and thigh area. If drawn to music, they are likely to enjoy percussion instruments like the drums, clashing cymbals, tambourines and bells. When captured with a goal in mind, you will not come across a more ambitious and driven being. Sagittarians have strong hunter instincts and will pursue what they desire until it's eventual capture with the fierce momentum of a charging locomotive. They can be quite inspiring to watch. What they seek most is knowledge and truth and answers to the meanings of life.
While being prone to blunders of all sorts, what makes people still love Sagittarius is they really are sweethearts. They are probably the most friendliest sign in the zodiac. Their upbeat, light-hearted and festive energies are refreshing to have around. They love to laugh and are good at causing other people to laugh with them. The other comic of the zodiac is their mirror sign, Gemini. The differences lie in that while Gemini is more of a witty joke teller and a stand up comedian, Sagittarius is your more physical comic and your more slapstick clown. Their fire when not in candle light vigil mode is like the warmth and coziness of a fireplace and vascilates between both expressions like lightning. The moments they do quiet down, you will want to pay close attention for they have something important and powerful to say. Animals and children also hold a soft spot in the heart of a Sagittarius.
In love your Sagittarius will romance you in the most magical ways. Getting hit by their Cupid's arrow will have you swooning nonstop over their charming ways. In bed, they will teach you the meaning of horsepower. They are more comfortable with pursuing than being pursued. Be sure to always give them their space and not smother them or you will lose them in a heartbeat. Controlling, domineering and manipulative tactics will end you up in hot water fast with this free spirit, be prepared to be struck by lightning if you try. Never lie to them. Be yourself, they detest pretentiousness and phoney airs. Always keep them guessing, share new knowledge often and switch up routines regularly to keep them engaged. Sagittarians get excited by other daring and adventurous souls, so be prepared to step out of your comfort zone. Animals and children are snares to their hearts. Road trips and camping trips are the ways to the soul of a Sagittarian. Smile and laugh often and lighten up your mood. Don't take petty things so seriously and you can't afford to be too sensitive around them. Be confident in yourself and don't be threatened by their wandering eyes. Sagittarians are natural flirts and love to always look and survey the field but when they are committed to someone, they are committed to that person and they will stay loyal and always come home to you if you trust them and allow them to roam free. Last bit of advice, be as independent as they are and have goals of your own and you will keep your Sag for a long time. So sit back, buckle up and enjoy the warmth of their fire, life is about to get exciting.
Career: Sagittarians need careers which require continued education, variety and autonomy. As stated, a Sagittarius would make a natural gifted slapstick comic or clown and profound ministers. Careers involving travel, discovery and adventure will also suit them well. Later in life, perhaps after age 50, their slowing pace yet quickened mind would suit them best for a respected place in the world of academia where they would add to the storehouse of knowledge they gained in their discovering youth. If organized religion proves too rigid and tradtional for this free-spirit, he/she can be just as stirring and profound as a motivational speaker. If given the opportunity, a Sagittarian would make a powerhouse activist to reckon with, especially if challenging social injustices. If prone to a career in music, a Sagittarius would be most in their element performing your more lively, energetic and baseline driven forms of gospel or the Rock genre. Anything involving exploration of the vast cultures of the world will excite them, cuisines, faiths, music, customs, history, dress, language, way-of-life, sociology and folklore. In just about everything they do, they will bring to it the discipline of a Philosopher. Their wit, humor and imagination will also gift them to be engaging storytellers, useful in a wide range of careers which benefit from those able to illustrate a point and engage an audience. Their adaptable nature suits them for a vast number of career pursuits so long as they are afforded the freedom and autonomy their spirit needs to breathe and the learning their minds needs to drink.
Compatibilities: Sagittarius meshes well with all the other fire signs. They can take on the world with the equally ambitious and adventurous Aries. And they can rule the world with their royal counterpart, Leo so long as Leo knows they will never be able to rule over a Sag. Sagittarius and Aries would enjoy sports, traveling and outdoor activities together. The royal flare will cause Sagittarius and Leo to shop together until they drop being both prone to expensive and lavish tastes. Sagittarius and Gemini would be attracted to each other's high energy and playfulness. Sagittarius and Aquarius could talk for days on in about high minded philosophies and humanistic ideals. Libra is probably the only sign of the zodiac which might be able to control a Sagittarius by not controlling them at all but by balancing out their energies, calming them down and getting them think more before acting. Libra would be a great influence on a Sagittarius and could help bring out their better, less reckless attributes and teach them discipline.
Famous Sagitarrians: Tina Turner, Walt Disney, Bette Midler, Steven Spielberg, Margaret Cho, Bruce Lee, Andrew Carnegie, Jimi Hendrix, Monique (comedienne), Bill Nye, Little Richard, Richard Pryor, Nicki Minaj (rapper), Christina Aguilera, James Avery (Phillip Banks, Fresh Prince of Bel Air), Jaleel White (Steve Urkel), Brad Pitt, Harpo Marx, Florence Joyner (Flo-Jo, US Olympic track and field star), Ludwig Van Beethoven, Rodney Dangerfield, Ossie Davis, Redd Foxx, William Lloyd Garrison (Slave abolishonist), Nelly Furtado, Berry Gordy (creator of Motown), Jake Gyllenhaall (Brokeback Mountain), Samuel L. Jackson, John F. Kennedy Jr., Howie Mandel, Adam Clayton Powell Jr. (Civil Rights activist, Pastor and Politician), Jon Stewart, Ben Stein, Ben Stiller, Mark Twain, Dick Van Dyke,
Love Forecast:
Your love life this year would be much stable and shall withstand the heavy tides normally expected in a relationship. The planets make sure that your emotional and romantic needs are met in a more subtle way. Much intimacy is expected on your side this year. Cast away all masks you had been donning of late and remain your true self. This is an apt time when you get to know the real intentions of your partner or other half. Do not be too defensive on your side. Some basic changes are likely in your relationships during the second half of the year. If single this year shall bring some sweet nothings in your life worth remembering for years to come. -www.findyourfate.com
The 2013 love horoscope of Sagittarians suggests that your love life this year will go through phases of stability as well as transformation. Time will add depth to your relations and love affairs will become more serious events. Saturn will have a favorable impact on your love life and your romance will flourish under the guidance of the planet. You'll need to invest more time in understanding your partner to gain his/her trust. Single Sagittarians are likely to come across prospective love interests that can turn into successful relations. -www.123newyear.com
Sagittarius people may become committed to a relationship this year. You may also want to take this relationship to the next level and tie the knot with that person, which is most likely to happen in the first half of the year itself. If you have confusions about more than one person in the aspect of love, things will become more clear this year. The year is ideal for married couples to strengthen the bond of their love by getting more intimate. You should also become more demonstrating about your love. -www.ganeshaspeaks.com
Sagittarius Anthem: