Wednesday, January 30, 2013


                                                            Continuing after Part #2

I personally once believed that just by the intrinsic fact of living in my truth as a gay man, I would automatically bring upon myself the curses of loneliness and disease. "You will never get married. You will never have a family. And you might not live to be..." My careworn aunt expressed to me with tears in her eyes, her deep-seated concerns about me carrying on in life as a gay man. I once believed her, seeing an older cousin of ours expiring before the age of 40 to AIDS in the early 90’s. I believed I too might share the same fate if I continued to be gay. It terrified me, let alone the fear of a hell my pastor told me awaited me when this earthly hell was over.

There is an old-adage, "As a man thinketh, so is he." Had I not dispelled for myself these myths early on and began hoping for a better life as a gay man, I shudder to think of what my life might be like now at age 30, believing I have only 10 more years to live. Would I be concerned about getting tested, regularly and often? Would protected sex be just a matter of sex period, or would it be an option or disregarded altogether for the thrill? Would I still work hard to keep my body in shape and eat the right foods as if I’m trying to live pass age 90? And would I steer clear of any recreational drugs whatsoever, Crystal Meth or whatever which is widely abused among my peers? Would I be screwing my brains out with anyone who wanted me without the care of wanting to develop a deep, meaningful relationship with those who are qualified?

What saved me? Television saved me. For the first time about the beginning of the millennium as a young man, I began to see positive examples of gay men in the media. I saw those even who look like me, leading healthy, decent and productive lives with gainful and respectable careers, great friends and loving partners. I began to want that for myself once I believed that I too could have that. My aspirations, expectations and standards in life automatically heightened. These were not the feckless, one-dimensional, cartoonish and flaming caricatures who were always the stereotypical hairdresser I failed to identify with. These were not the tragic and sad stories about single young men wasting away to AIDS in the prime of their youth. We must then begin to beg the question if these unhealthy disparities found amongst the LGBT population have their roots and initial causes in a society which has long refused to acknowledge us, to affirm us, to teach us that our deepest yearnings for romantic love with those of the same gender are not disgusting. It is valid, natural and has real meaning, beauty and value for the rest of the world which so needs stories about those who are fighting to love each other. I believe our story to be an inspiration for marriage itself, while many others have taken their marriages for granted with skyrocketing divorce rates. This is what I’m fighting to undo. I believe once more LGBT couples are allowed to solemnize their relationships openly under the protections of the law, more young LGBT lives will be saved and have brighter prospects for their lives and healthier concepts of their identity as LGBT people. Love heals. Discrimination kills.

Why then are the hopes of the LGBTQIAP; the "Community of Diverse Gender-Based Sexualities" in Georgia situated upon developments with the federal government and states in which we do not lie our heads and pay our taxes to? The answers I have been given is simply that this is the Bible Belt. It's harder to fight here. These things may be true, but does that excuse us from doing the hard work here to assert justice over inequality? Are we then helpless in Georgia and must allow our state to treat us anyway they see fit without challenge? We are helpless, if we believe ourselves to be so. No one can help us so long as we keep this mindset. Are we to expect progress without struggle? Harvest without plowing and sowing? Or maybe we are expecting strength and fitness by letting others workout and diet for us. The federal government will do what it will and our power to sway its outcome pales in comparison to our power to demand and require justice in our own home state. In the same way that it is the states which elect our President, not the individual, it is the will of the states which sway the federal government. To those who are hoping for the almighty federal government to ride in and rescue us from our Bible Belt oppressors must understand that we have to do our part where we are in order to mandate such a move. Focus on Georgia and then the federal government will respond.

I believe that wherever a fight is most difficult is exactly where the fight should be directly taken to. In 1955, Alabama was known as the Cradle of the Confederacy. That did not deter one middle-aged gentle lady from sitting down on a segregated bus and dare to be moved from her seat of choice. Her solitary act of defiant courage inaugurated the African American Civil Rights movement of the 1950's and 60's. When the Civil War was gridlocked in the Upsouth of Virginia, General William Tecumseh Sherman dared to go deep into the heart of enemy territory. He came straightway to Georgia and choked the Confederacy of its lines of communications and resources to fight which were coming out of its hub, which was Atlanta. Sometimes in order to bring down a beast, you have to go directly for the jugular and Georgia has had a long history as being at the epicenter of the beast of antigay legislation on the national stage. Be mindful our Congressman, Bob Barr authored The Defense of Marriage Act. Our Senator, Sam Nunn was one of the strongest supporters of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Our own Newt Gingrich of Cobb County was Speaker of the House when both laws came into being and was an outspoken advocate. Being that the Defense of Marriage Act was born from Georgia, makes where we are a perfect battleground for this issue even on the national level. People in states like Missouri are looking to us to get moving where we can have the most impact, and that is our own state.

Being that this is the Buckle of the Bible Belt and the fight will be most difficult here, we can not afford to go about this soft, whiney, weak or ineffectual and adopt a slouching victim's posture and a beggar’s voice. No, we must take up this fight with much more poised and bold assertion, dignity, confidence and direct determination than has yet to be seen even on the national stage. We can be a people so decidedly free and so decidedly possessed with love and truth that all who witness our iron-willed march will clap for us, not cry for us. For as we liberate ourselves, we will automatically give others permission and inspiration to do the same. This will reverberate and resonate throughout the pool of human spirit across all boundaries even to our opponents to shake even their conscience to the core. Either the conservative bible thumpers are right and we should then shut up and have a seat forever about all things considered gay, or they are mistaken and there is something else more righteous, enduring and true. The enduring principles of love and equality are calling for leaders at such a time as this to take a firm open stand and dare to be moved or silenced. If we are right, then we don't need to go the roundabout route, sneakingly nitpicking at singular rights as we can get them to finally to get to what we were owed at birth.

It is high time to short circuit and shut down the whole operation of discrimination against our community once and for all and no fight will accomplish this more effectively than a fight for marriage equality which is rightly the third rail and support beam to all anti-gay legislations. This is because marriage itself would be the crowning legal acknowledgement and affirmation to the quintessential idea of what it means to be lesbian or gay, bisexual or transgendered.  Our opponents know this and that’s why they will fight us tooth and nail. But we must be tougher, stronger and more love-spirited than their mean-spiritedness. While we beg for workplace equality and housing protections against discrimination, they already know and fear that one day we will want marriage too and we will soon enough come to demand that as well. If we hope to engender their respect, why not then be open, upfront and honest about this? Unless we are ashamed and wrong for wanting to marry, I don’t understand the present tactic to insult the intelligence of our opponents by covertly aiming to gradually erode their resistance one law at a time. This then puts us in the position of a thief, trying to pilfer their consent while we believe that they don’t see and understand what we are doing. No one likes or respects a thief, even if they are coming to steal a whiff of air in your house while you’re not looking. This is why they call it the “Gay Agenda”. Not that we don’t have an agenda, which is equality, but that the term connotes conniving ulterior motives which their wild imaginations can then run away with and cause people to fear and resist our advances. Let me make this plain. Until we have marriage, our conservative opponents will always have the upperhand. We will always play by their rules and on their terms. Until we erect our postures, look them directly in the eyes and put steel in our voices and gold rings on the fingers of those we love, we will always wrestle with our state from the submissive and weak position of those who are different, of an alternative lifestyle and that of a second-class citizen. Once we are able to protect our families as equal under the law, I tell you the truth, it will be like the crumbling of the walls of Jericho on all issues like workplace and housing discrimination, for all families have need of these resources. But we must first get recognized as families.

Dr. Phil McGraw has often asserted that we are in large part responsible for the treatment that we receive. He states that we often have to teach people how to treat us. How else did the legislators of Georgia come up with the notion that it is okay and safe to do this to us when legislators of similar attitudes in other parts of this country are very cautious about openly antagonizing the LGBT community? Up until now, many in our communities have been more cautious than courageous in setting the fair boundaries of what we will and will not accept as a free people. But then, how can we call ourselves a free people when we have allowed our state to come to this position? If a person has within himself the soul of a slave, will he not become one, no matter what his station at birth even as water seeks its level? If a person has within himself the soul of a free person, will he not become respected and honored wherever he goes in spite of his misfortune as cream always rises to the top? Does not a great King fight his enemies in every way that he can, with every force that he has? The beauty of America is that though we are a nation with no king, we are nation of equal kings and queens with rights to rule over our own destinies as we see fit.

Frederick Douglass argued to his people, “The general sentiment of mankind is that a man who will not fight for himself, when he has the means of doing so, is not worth being fought for by others, and this sentiment is just. For a man who does not value freedom for himself will never value it for others, or put himself to any inconvenience to gain it for others. Such a man, the world says, may lie down until he has sense enough to stand up. It is useless and cruel to put a man on his legs, if the next moment his head is to be brought against a curbstone.

A man of that type will never lay the world under any obligation to him, but will be a moral pauper, a drag on the wheels of society, and if he too be identified with a peculiar variety of the race he will entail disgrace upon his race as well as upon himself. The world in which we live is very accommodating to all sorts of people. It will cooperate with them in any measure which they propose; it will help those who earnestly help themselves, and will hinder those who hinder themselves. It is very polite, and never offers its services unasked. Its favors to individuals are measured by an unerring principle in this—viz., respect those who respect themselves, and despise those who despise themselves. It is not within the power of unaided human nature to persevere in pitying a people who are insensible to their own wrongs and indifferent to the attainment of their own rights. The poet was as true to common sense as to poetry when he said, ‘Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow.”

((Conclusion of FORWARD MARCH! Now Available. In the meantime, we look forward to honoring Mrs. Rosa Parks on her 100th Birthday, Monday February 4th, 2013.))

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Q&A: Is Marriage a Constitutional Right?

Q: Is marriage a constitutional right?

A: Yes. One of our most fundamental rights as citizens of the United States of America is the ability to marry, and the ability to marry the person of our choice, providing that they are of legal age to enter into any binding contractual agreement. Courts in this country have determined that the right to marry is, in some cases, more fundamental than the right to vote. It cannot be denied:

  • on the basis of an individual's race;
  • to those who have shown themselves to be delinquent on child welfare payments;
  • to hardened criminals in prison.
Everyday, however, tax-paying, law-abiding and in many cases military serving gays and lesbians who love and cherish each other and their children are denied the ability to protect their families with a marriage license.

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution extends "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or imunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The Constitution of The State of Georgia provides similar protections extended by the federal Constitution. "Protection to person and property is the paramount duty of government and shall be impartial and complete. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws." Georgia's Equal Protection Clause, Article I, Section I, Paragraph II.

Article I, Section I, Paragraph VII instructs that the Georgia General Assembly must enact such laws that will protect the full enjoyment of the rights, privileges and immunities afforded all United States citizens.

The intent of both the U.S. and Georgia Constitutions is distorted when we discriminate on the basis of gender in the issuance of marriage licences and treat some families different than others.

Courts in Hawaii, Alaska, Oregon, Washington, California, Minnesota, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Iowa, Connecticut, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia have found that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marriage licenses or the protections that stem from them. Georgian legislators who have fought and have successfully wrote lesbian and gays out of the Georgia Constitution as fully equal citizens are actually recognizing that the ability to marry someone of the same-gender was likely a constitutionally protected right in Georgia--a right they wanted to take away and did with Amendment 1 to the Georgia State Constitution. Otherwise, there would have been no need for such an amendment which directly addresses couples of the "same-sex" as an excluded class.

So what are we left with? We are left with a syntax error, a legal contradiction and a logical incongruency between the equal protection clauses of the United States and the Georgia Constitution and its Amendment 1. This must be addressed and resolved immediately. We cannot have both stand. Either we must do away with Equal Protection for all citizens or do away with Georgia's Amendment 1 or declare removal of citizenship status from all persons declaring themselves gay or lesbian to make the laws then agree. This is exactly why amending the Georgia Constitution undermines and jeopardizes the truth of everyone's freedom. This is why we must abolish the use of our state Constitution to establish discriminatory policies. It is our heritage as Americans which decrees this consciousness.

The Ramifications of Georgia Constition Amendment 1:

  • Passage of the constitutional amendment has denied access to the judicial branch of government to a diverse group of citizens. It says to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender citizens of Georgia--and their children--that their love and their relationships are not real and valid, that their families are not real and valid and that none of these are deserving of equal protections under our state laws and that they must accept our state goverment's judgement of them as second-class citizens. 
  • The damage has already been done with sending the message that one group can simply change the constitution to bar another group from their rights because of ideological differences. All one group has to do is outnumber the other and run a popular vote. Who's next? African Americans, Latinos, or other religious minorities? If this can happen and has happened, what's the purpose of having a constitution?
As soon as I became fully aware of these implications, I was left scratching my head trying to figure out how Georgia has gotten away with this for 8 years. I now know the answer to that too: Get the discriminated class to accept their defeat or move because it is now THE LAW OF THE LAND. Check! Next, scare legislators from raising the issue any time in the foreseeable future by making it a "third-rail" issue, "If you even speak of attempts of trying to remove the amendment, we the political majority will close ranks and spite you by shutting you out of all cooperation on any legislative measures you need our help with and will then turn the public consensus against you and remove you from your seat come election time." Check! Lastly, let the injustice sit and marinate for 10 years and the people will quiet down, adjust, forget about it and then move on with their lives just as peaceably as they did before the fuss even began within the recent years because of our liberal sister, Massachusetts. They did not foresee Prop 8 coming four years later and the furor it erupted nationally. They did not foresee the Coming of Obama, a President who would fearlessly with determination pull the rug from under antigay policies in the military and then turn his powers to the aim of tripping up the Defense of Marriage Act. They did not foresee that over the last 8 years, 8 more states would remove their barriers to marriage equality. Each time, reminding Georgians, "Oh yeah, what about our marriage amendment?" It does not look as if they are going to be able to check this last measure and they will be forced this confront this contradiction much sooner than many anticipate. This is the most immediate aim of the Love Under Fire Campaign, to not let Georgia off the hook with this.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


                                                           Continuing after Part #1:

If this were some totalitarian government, you would never have the right to disagree, for their codes were never derived considering your agreement to begin with. Here in America, even in Georgia, the so-called ‘law’ is no longer a law and is then rendered null and void if a community ceases to agree with it in spirit and in truth. Legislators must then reach a new agreement with their constituents. Conversely, the deal of agreeing upon a code works both ways. Legislators are not the slavish servants of their constituents. They are the public servants of the best interests of their constituency and coworkers with them in that aim. Any good and sensible legislator would never settle upon a bad agreement with their constituents. They would never acquiesce or be afraid to engage with their constituents to help them understand what is right, fair, equal and just and why it must respect the rights and freedoms of everyone involved, even its most numerically vulnerable members. They could very well do this using the same influences and passions they used to sell themselves to get elected. That’s if they stand behind something more meaningful than a hollowed out name.

Personally, If I were to serve in the state legislature and my constituency demanded that I do wrong and I could not manage to help them see the light of day and then desire to do right by all of its fellow citizens, I would publicly resign. I would give my true reasons and leave them to find someone else to represent their evil. My moral integrity is too expensive to be for sale, it is too strong to be bullied and the love in it makes it sweet enough on its own so that it can not be sweet-talked into acting in contrary ways. Echoing one great Georgian, "A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus."- Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legislators who are worthy of shame and deserving of losing their place as respected leaders are those who make bad agreements and then blame it on the consensus of their constituents when called out on it.

Amendment 1 fails as a law by definition and in purpose. By Georgia now making marriage an institution of discrimination, it has helped absolutely no one and has injured many. It hasn’t given anyone a job in a state hit particularly hard by the recession. It hasn’t helped not one family stay in a home threatened by foreclosure. It hasn’t helped anyone get married or stay married. In fact, after 2004, the census has reported a rise in the incidence of divorce in Georgia. Then the only purposes Amendment 1 has served is to make life harder for its LGBT citizens who wish to engage in loving and stable relationships, build homes and lives together and maybe raise children. It has achieved nothing and has had no effect other than to lessen the status and human dignity of its LGBT citizens. It is hard to imagine in this century, a state wishing to do harm to a segment of its population for no just cause, and for the American people to tolerate this form of tyranny and not fiercely repudiate it. But this is exactly what we have here with Amendment 1.

One who defies unjust or false laws must do so openly, lovingly and with a willingness to accept the consequences. I assert that any individual who defies a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment, fines, social harassment or the termination of his employment in order to arouse the conscience and awareness of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing a greater respect for a higher law; the Law of Love. Forget not that privileged groups seldom share their privileges without determined, persistent and assertive action from the oppressed. 156 years ago, Frederick Douglass said this, “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.” If we all committed to this, I am thoroughly convinced that Amendment 1 would not survive one more year. But this ‘all’ begins with you.

"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, they send forth a tiny ripple of hope...These ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
-Robert F. Kennedy

The impact of legal discrimination against same-sex relationships has had wide-spread, deep and devastating ramifications. Does Georgia currently prohibit us from forming romantic relationships, cohabitating and raising children? No. But we have to be mindful that sex between same-gendered partners was illegal in this state just ten years ago. What challenges a couple must face if making love to one another is considered a crime in the state in which they live? When love is a crime, the society which makes it so, lives in sin. May we help it to repent. Just the threat of criminalizing the demonstrations of our love was enough to unnecessarily inhibit many of us. We had to express our affections under the cloak of darkness and in secret as though our love was a dirty shame. This is important to note because unless one has accepted their love to be a dirty shame, how could anyone ever comply and conform to such laws? No pun intended, but no one can ride your back unless it is bent. Therefore, just in the often already uncomfortable process for anyone to find a suitable life partner is then subject to another layer of difficulties when it comes to the differing comfort levels and the shame of internalized homophobia. Are we then to be surprised at the epidemic of single LGBT adults who have experienced little if any romantic relationships with someone of the gender they are most comfortable and natural with? Because of these challenges, are we to be surprised at the higher incidence of promiscuity among LGBTs? Because of the higher rates of promiscuity, are we to be surprised at the disproportionate levels of STD infections among the LGBTs? Are we then to be surprised by the disproportionate incidences of suicide among LGBT youths?

At this point, you might agree with me. But then the question might be "Is the fight worth it?" Numerous studies have been conducted to conclude that those who are married, tend to live longer, be more financially stable and earn more. They suffer from far less physical and mental illnesses than those who are single. "It is not good that Man should be alone; I will make him a helpmate." -Genesis 2:18. Those who argue that marriage is solely for the purpose of procreation are missing GOD’s first intentions for marriage before the benefit and responsibilities of parenting. The role of parenting is temporal, while marriage is for a lifetime commitment. Since it has only been in the recent years that our relationships are no longer criminal and no longer persecuted, without marriage rights, some over 100 benefits at the state level and 1138 benefits at the federal level are denied. These include tax-breaks, assuming social security benefits of a deceased partner, waiving of estate taxes upon the inheritance from a deceased partner, the right to make medical decisions and funeral arrangements on the behalf of a partner, the sharing of medical benefits, the power to sponsor partners for citizenship and continuing custody of children after the death of one partner and many other rights.

I have spoken to many married couples who have expressed to me that being and having a husband or a wife, brings with it a completely different set of expectations and societal benefits than having the casual boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. It is not something with which to enter into lightly for there are major financial and life consequences for making a mistake or failing to honor those commitments the law then makes binding. For this reason, couples will work harder to resolve their differences and strengthen their relationships. Before marriage, it was just about love and less about commitment. My own brother has expressed to me the new level of respect he has been given since becoming a married man. It shows that he is capable of commitment and able to take important things seriously. This factor does often give married people an edge above unmarried people in seeking higher paying, stable and respectable employment with high responsibilities. When was the last time we have ever had a single person even get into the primaries of seeking the Presidency? It is indeed a status symbol our society has long respected and valued, to legally call oneself "married". Those who are excluded from this privilege by the government are made to live as second-class citizens, which is evidence of societal abuse. The late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has made it clear, "If America is to remain a first-class nation, she can no longer have second class citizens."

With this long list of denials, the foundational tools to protect one another and what we build together over a lifetime is still directly destabilized and put under jeopardy by the very governments in which we are expected to support with our tax dollars and protect with our very lives through military service.

((Look forward to this conversation continuing with Part #3))

Sunday, January 20, 2013


                                     Happy Birthday Aquarius January 20th-February 18th

Aquarians, the water-carrier are the humanitarians and hippies of the zodiac. Their themed traits are free-thinking, high-minded, compassionate, opinionated and generous. Aquarius is the fixed air sign of the zodiac. Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are strongly influenced by the mind, the intellect and communication. When expressed in the fixed mode, the mode of consistency, persistence, determination, rigidness and inflexibility, you are given a very strong-minded individual who is so opinionated, decisive and convinced that they are right, that they will often fight ruthlessly on behalf of their beliefs and they rarely ever change their minds. Aquarians believe themselves to be the most intellectually evolved people of the zodiac, and all those who don't understand their often esoteric or mystical perspectives have not yet evolved or awakened to the truth. This fixed air sign is mostly like a clear, cloudless sky with no breeze. They cherish stillness so that they can meditate and free their minds. To others, they may seem to be spacey and out-there-somewhere almost detached from the reality of day-to-day concerns. Aquarius is also influenced by the planets, Saturn and Uranus. Saturn in Greek mythology, represented the god of agriculture, time, wealth and the written law. Uranus, or Father Sky in this mythology was the ruler of the starry heavens and space. This is different from Jupiter which governs Sagittarius, for Jupiter was also god of the sky, thunder and lightning, or weather which comes from the sky or the stratosphere. The realm of Uranus was higher than that in the space which astroids streak and stars shimmer. These planets give Aquarians their high-minded quality. The high-mindedness attributed by Uranus is co-influenced with Saturn in them to make them concerned with the needs of humanity or the entire earth itself making them a true altruist. Saturn also influences Capricorn which makes them concerned with their own sustenance, growth, and thriving. When mingled with Uranus, these same concerns are then taken to a much higher stage which includes all of humanity, the entire earth and sometimes the complete universe and the cosmos and strict policies which protect the health and wealth of these resources. Thus, in addition to Sagittarius, we have another activist on our hands. But unlike Sagittarius being a fierce crusader for social justice and equality, Aquarians are your eco-crusaders, green-cultured, tree-hugging, bohemian beatnicks. They probably have a lifetime membership to Greenpeace.

Like Sagittarians, Aquarians are visionaries. This particular visionary is always at the edge of the evolution of everything. Any new gadget, new policy, new philosophy which will make the world work better, they are gung-ho for it. They venture out to get involved in its development so that they can bring the new goods back to their people for their collective benefit, just like the water-bearer goes to fetch the life-giving water and brings it back to quench the thirst of their entire community. They are true believers and leaders of the principle of collective work and responsibility and profiting together. They truly see and understand the interrelatedness and connections between everything. What hurts one, hurts all. What is good for one is good for many. For everything is truly one and whole and they believe all of its parts should behave as such. It is this passion which may draw them to the social sciences and the highest levels of politics and goverment, maybe even The United Nations. If there are any sign which is predisposed to being a genius, Aquarians are it. They are true revolutionaries. Though they are rigidly stubborn in thought and in arguments, these are humane and compassionate people who just wants us all to get along and thrive together and that may often involve challenging us to try things a new way. They are very nice people, but not pushovers in the least. Aquarians will stand their ground in a debate quite doggedly.

Aquarians are naturally given to the work of the humanities and social sciences. They may passionately get involved with philanthropy and humanitarian endeavors. They make great social workers and sociologists. Politics may also serve them as an attractive outlet for their grand-scale ideas on how to make the world work better though they are likely to be swayed more toward the progressive factions of government over the conservative factions.

In love, Aquarians are comfortable being the true givers in the relationship. They're just mainly interested in seeing you do better and thriving because of their gifts. With their lovers they are imaginative, witty, candid and friendly. They are loyal and supportive of their partners, yet fiercely protective of their personal space. They detest convention and tradition and are drawn to those daring to reinvent themselves and old orders. They are truly turned-off by selfishness and big egos and they will not hessitate to firmly correct such a mindset to get it to become more concerned about others and then the self will be taken care of. Aquarians tend to have many friends which often come to depend on their generosity, stability and wisdom, but they don't mind it so long as they are progressing. If you are in love with an Aquarius, do not become jealous and try to keep this giver all to yourself, cutting them off from those who need them. They are patient and do not easily give up on strengthening needy individuals. It would behoove you to realize that they have to help others and if you really want to steal their hearts, get involved in their community service. They adore freedom and travel and often to the more remote, off-beaten places of the world like poor third-world countries where people are stricken with disease and do not have enough to eat. Their mantra is "Free your mind and the rest will follow!" Aquarians are best compatible with Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Libra and Aries. In mind, intellect and vision, Aquarians are kindred spirits to Sagittarius though will differ with them when it comes to ego, and their brash, reckless nature. Aquarians will be compatible with Leo as they are both strong, determined and decisive in their leadership but again, will challenge Leo on their big egos. Gemini will be much fun for an Aquarians as they both love to try new things and reinvent themselves. An Aquarius will be attracted to the fair, just and diplomatic morals of Libra. And when it comes to blazing trails and being pioneers on the frontier of development, Aquarians will love to run with an Aries, but will challenge their selfishness, impatience, hot temper and combativeness. There will be no more dramatic combination though than the romance struggle between an Aquarius and a Leo as they are mirror signs. The Leo will dominate, but an Aquarius will lead them without the Leo being aware it is being led. When it comes to correcting their arrogance, an Aquarius will be time enough for a Leo when putting them in their place as among the universe not the center of it, as an Aquarius' debate skills are often unmatched in its strength, vigor and power.

2013 Love Forecast:
The year 2013 brings for the Aquarius individuals good news. There will be enough scope for new friendships and relationships for you in this year, foresees Ganesha. Jupiter is transiting through the fifth House from your sign and due to this planetary transit, love is simply in the air for you. You may fall head over heels in love and world may suddenly turn out to be fresh and beautiful and life worth living for. And the ones already in a relationship may fall in love again with the same person and thus rejuvenating your relationship.

You shall be extremely loyal and supportive towards your partner. However there are some points to ponder upon. If you have begun a relationship this year or started one recently, then there is no need to go full steam so abruptly in this new relationship and take it to the next level of marriage. You need to pause and reassess. On the other hand, you should do a complete review of your relationship and assess it from all the angles keeping in mind the pitfalls as well as the advantages of it before you take the final decision. This will surely help you in strengthening your relationship.

Those of you who are already committed will find that their relationship has strengthened due to this year’s planetary transits. However, things are not so rosy for the married couples. You would need to set aside your domestic differences. Ganesha reminds you that if you keep in your mind constantly the petty or important domestic issues and keep finding faults in your partner, you will not be able to enjoy the bliss of unconditional love. Thus, in order to strengthen your relationship you will have to play your part to perfection.


With the burning Mars in Aquarius and the magnificent Jupiter in Aquarius' house of eroticism, you'll start the year 2013 in a fabulous sexual shape! Mars and Jupiter are connected by themselves to physical vigor and carnal lust, highly underlined now by the houses they will go through.

Against the background of setting instincts free will naturally grow passion, the urge to conquer and the desire for adventure. There can be sudden sentimental outbursts, waves of fervent romanticism, wishes that require to be fulfilled, even if it involves risks and rash deeds.

The top feverishness will last all month in January 2013, while Mars stays in Aquarius. Falling in love will now become the easiest thing in the world. And it'll stay easy for the whole period in the first half of the year 2013 because Jupiter will make sure it provides you with favorable opportunities by June 26th.

Meanwhile, February 2013 promises happiness and achievements, and June 2013, with Jupiter, Mars and the Sun in Aquarius' house of love, will reach its peak! June will be the most dynamic and sensual, the hottest and craziest month in 2013. Afterwards, there'll be some peace. No spectacular events are foreseen by the end of the year.

The last six months in 2013 will not lack action, but the most significant events and the moments that will have the greatest impact on the sentimental life will happen in the first part of the year.

In the second half of the year you can peacefully enjoy the sweet transit of Venus through Aquarius' house of couples in July 2013 (harmony, tenderness, understanding, reconciliation) and you can experience a sort of stability, acknowledgement and fulfillment in August 2013, when the Sun crosses the same house.

Following its predecessors, Mars will cross Aquarius house of couples in September and the first part of October 2013, lighting again the flame of passion and ardor, but risking storms out of too much haste and impulsiviness.

Blessings are for you this year. Challenges are less and good time-periods are indicated more for you. During starting phase of this year, your pious desires or wish will come true. You will love this time and will maximum enjoy all colors of happiness. Your sorrows or pain of past time will go off. Someone very special will reach to you. And, the person will be like angel or gift of God for you.

Don't ignore true feelings of your heart. Special colorful time merely comes in life. If you find some one is truly in love with you, don't let that person go out from your life.

Aquarius, you are smart enough to know how to sustain a relationship long. However, this year may take the actual taste how you put best efforts to protect your love-relationship. If favorable time is for you, the challenges and obstacles are also waiting to bother you.

Famous Aquarians:
Oprah Winfrey, Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Jennifer Anniston, Susan B. Anthony, Michael Bloomberg, Christie Brinkley, Levar Burton, Natalie Cole, Sam Cooke, Bessie Coleman, Phil Collins, Sheryl Crow, Charles Darwin (Father of Evolution Theory), Angela Davis, James Dean, Ellen Degeneres, Thomas Edison (Father of Tapped Electricity), Farrah Fawcett, Roberta Flack, Sara Gilbert, Gregory Hines, Langston Hughes, Alicia Keys, Carole King, Ashton Kutcher, Bill Maher, Bob Marley, Sarah McLachlan, Toni Morrison, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Huey P. Newton, Lisa Marie Presley, Christina Ricci, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Shakira, Cybill Shepherd, John Travolta, Kerry Washington, Elijah Wood,  

                                                             Aquarian Love Theme:

Thursday, January 17, 2013


There are many things you can do to help advance Marriage Equality in Georgia. Here's 10. Try some. Try them all. Any one of you can be a leader and persons of meaningful impact. We're going to need quite a few of these sorts to get it done.

1. Plug-in and engage: Go to and click "LIKE" on the right-side of the header.

2. Recruit: Under the Georgia Flag, you will see a "Smart Suggest To Friend" button. Click on it and the rest should be self explanatory. Or to the right of the "MESSAGE" button click on the gear icon and select "Share" in the drop-down menu. Post blurb on your page, in groups which you belong to and in private messages to friends and family anywhere in Georgia who you know might be interested in supporting this cause.

3. Host Conference Call Party: Invite 5 close friends over for dessert, games and music beginning with a live interactive chat with The Love Under Fire Campaign, which will report campaign developments and feature relationship building advice. Encourage a discussion on the topic when the call is done. Have those 5 friends invite 3 other friends before they come. Broadcasting live every 3rd Tuesday on WRFG 89.3FM from 7P-8PM. Or you may stream the show live online @ . To call in dial 404-523-8989. The next one will be announced here  Fireside Chat. Repeat this step for the next call or alternate hosting between those 5 friends.

4. Write a handwritten letter, e-mail or call your state and federal legislators. Find them at  Read this article to get more ideas about how to engage your legislators.

5. Spread awareness by wearing a white knot at work on a red top on Mondays. Can't where a red top? Wear a red rose on the right and the white knot on the left. Get your white knot @: Be prepared to educate when questioned about the meaning of the white knot and bring some for others to wear.

6. Organize a group of friends and supporters 3-5 or more and then visit your local courthouse with your same-sex partner and request a marriage license. They of course, will deny your request. As a record request that they write denied on your application and then share with them why marriage matters to you in less than 5 minutes and then leave peacefully. Black out your personal information and then snap a picture and send the evidence to and any of your local media outlets. We will be compiling these evidences of injustice. Obey all laws and remain peaceful and compliant. DO NOT show up alone just in case your friends might need to notify an attorney or the authorities in the case that you are unjustly arrested or harrassed by civilians. Visit WE DO Campaign for examples of how this is done. If things get out of hand through no fault of your own, contact Chances are you will have no problem if you remain peaceful and respectful.

7. Talk to your friends and family members about why marriage equality matters and get them involved. Watch these videos and this article and this article too to give you ideas and talking points but always relate them to your personal experiences. If you know of an outright opponent, read the List of Denials and then ask your friend if they know and care about what they are trying to take away from LGBT citizens. If they do, ask them why and ask how would they feel if done to them. Chances are they do not know and this is your open door to begin enlightening them. Ask them if they know of any particular LGBT families or individuals who are negatively impacted by their current legal status.

8. Make a Tax-Deductable Donation, ear-marked to The Love Under Fire Campaign through our sponsor, St Mark United Methodist Church Just select "other" and enter Love Under Fire Inc.

9. Offer your skills and talents. If you have any particular skill and talent you know of which could be an asset to the campaign and are willing to volunteer them as needed, please e-mail your name, your contact information, your time availability, daily, weekly and time of year, your location and the details of your experience and recognition with whatever skills or talents you are offering to the movement. We are building a database of those wanting to help us. If at anytime we could use your help for a particular project, you will be contacted by our Secretary. We could use all the help that we can get.

10. Forward this page to others:: DO NOT SPAM!!! Spam is impersonal mass-emailing, messaging or form conversations with individuals who have not opted to join your list. This is not an effective tactic to engage people. In fact, it is likely to garner their resistance and get you ignored and in some cases, it is illegal. The best tactic is personally reaching out to individuals using their name and other personal relevances in truthful, honest and natural conversation even if it is electronic. If you wish to communicate with the masses, join a group which has similar concerns to our campaign and promotions of this sort are allowed and welcomed. Not sure? Contact the group's admin to get permission. Or you may post it on your facebook page, twitter or through any other list you already have where people have opted to receive like communications from you. It would be best if you have set an example by doing at least one of the previous 9 suggestions and telling your friends about what you did.

Like any campaign, commercial, political, social or otherwise, it is to our best interests to try to maintain an engaging and respectable brand. The moment you begin acting and using the name of this campaign in relation to each other, you automatically become an ambassador of that brand and it reflects on our entire movement. With that said, we ask that you please act responsibly and be as decent in conduct, speech and appearance as you possibly can when representing us. In all public affairs, we aim to engender and maintain an image which is poised, dignified and assertive. This is a world of difference from being aggressive, unfriendly, whiney, combative and an anarchist, even though some of our proposed methods might be considered radical by some conservative perspectives. This is also a world of difference from a strategy which is passive, complacent and accomodating to injustices which has yet to yield any real results. We do not use signs, we do not chant, we do not argue, and we never succumb to or openly agitate violence even if it is leveled against us. We will always behave lovingly and friendly, even if we are not treated the same as we are determined in our refusal to cooperate with injustice and to defy it. We will save our arguments for when our opponents are ready to listen. Until then, we only speak our truth unapologetically in love and conviction as we commit ourselves to letting our actions go on and speak boldly for itself. We believe that is all that we need until our opponents are forced to negotiate with our demands or incur ongoing, unceasing and mounting problems related to the issue of marriage discrimination. Lastly, to keep things rooted in perspective, balance and sanity, take things which must be taken seriously seriously. All else, keep a good sense of humor, and don't let these people steal your joy. You're going to need it. If we act together now, we're going to win this. Don't worry about that.

                                     THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. WE NEED YOU!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


                                                               Part #1

It's Friday, and this week has been very productive at work. We have some accomplishments to celebrate together. I come up with an idea for a pizza party. If I can collect $3 from all of our colleagues I can provide two large slices to everyone. When I come to you for your donation, you're one of those health conscious types and not necessarily fond of pizza but you're also a team player so you gladly pitch in your $3, and to make sure there's enough leftover to serve those who might be extra hungry, you pitch in an additional $3. Within about an hour, the pizzas arrive hot and fresh with its sensuous aromas of Italian seasoning wafting throughout the workplace. You hadn't had lunch yet and your tummy has begun to groan. When you see your co-workers walking away from the break room with slices of pizzas layered with thick, gooey cheese, fresh peppers and pepperonis you think you might as well help yourself to a slice. You would save time and you're going running this weekend anyway. As you walk through the break room where the pizzas are spread, I immediately grab a measuring tape and proceed to take your height. When your hands move to help yourself to a slice of pizza, I crack your knuckles with a wooden spoon and explain to you that pizza is only for those who are of the height 5'9" or taller and that you are only 5'8". You ask me to explain the reason and I state that the Surgeon General has made a law that states those 5'8" or shorter on average do not expend enough calories on a daily basis to make eating pizza a smart food choice and are thus forbidden from eating pizza for concern it will make our society fat. You then explain to me that your genes would never allow you to be taller than 5'8" and that you do enjoy pizza on occasion. I tell you your height is a choice and then offer you some solutions. You could always go to a bone reconstructionist and get your limbs stretched or you can stand on stilts so that you too can be of normal height and at the next pizza party we host, you can then take part. Nothing personal...just business. Your feelings are now hurt on top of being hungry. You are then left trying to figure out what you did wrong. Wait, you must be an evil person with bad morals for wanting pizza like anyone else.

With this allegory, I ask you to take height and replace it with sexuality. Take pizza and replace it with the civil rights and benefits of marriage. Take your pizza donations and replace it with your tax dollars used to support the institutions which offers these rights. Take the Surgeon General and replace it with the Georgia General Assembly. And take this bone reconstructionist and replace it with those professionals engaged in the deemed unethical work of sexuality reparative therapy. Those who marry against the grain of their natural sexualities are your stilt walkers. And I am acting as your helpful county law clerk.

If you agree that we live within a republic of democracy, then what lawmakers create down at the Gold Dome in Atlanta are not actually laws at all. If they were, then our laws would never change at all and apply to all people universally as the Law of Gravity or the Law of Reciprocity. Real laws can not be created, they just are and always have been. They have no rhyme or reason but that they provide the basis from which all reality is derived. And if they were not just, then reality would contradict itself and nullify its own works. All known reality would then short circuit itself. You would not be able to calculate any sound mathematical equation by it. In this sense, it is impossible to break the law, you can only break yourself against the law.

What legislators actually create are public agreements with the constituencies they represent to abide by a certain code with a purpose of beneficially making life better and safer for all those it concerns. The process is that they propose a code which addresses those ends and then they must work to gain an agreement with the full legislature and the people in order to make it then so-called law. Whenever a particular code fails to achieve this purpose or does the inverse, any American who is paying attention ought to disagree with it. And I don't mean passively agree to disagree with it. I mean to maladjust oneself to the injustice, to totally get out of alignment with that which is wrong. This is how you break laws which should have never become law in the first place. When unjust laws of this order are broken, we then see that they were never laws in truth to begin with as the now the dead Jim Crow and antimiscegeny statutes.

I am not in any way advocating anarchy. I would actually agree with St. Augustine that "an unjust law is no law at all." St. Thomas Aquinas would also concur in that, unjust laws are not aligned with eternal law. "Any law which uplifts human dignity is just. Any law which degrades human personality is unjust." Therefore, all marriage discriminatory statutes are unjust because it sets up a different set of rules and benefits which do not apply to all and the results are inequality. Discrimination destroys the self-esteem and self-worth of those it leaves out. It many times breaks spirits beyond repair. It gives the included a false sense of superiority and the excluded a false sense of inferiority. Either "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal who are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights which among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." or our national constitution is a blatant lie. Thomas Jefferson knew not what he was talking about. Abraham Lincoln was just another delusional utopian dreamer, whose philosophies never truly came down to earth to set African Americans free from bondage. And Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was just another quack doctor who wrote America his prescription through a fantasy he called a dream. I too am out of my mind. And perhaps you are a fool as well in need of a dose of reality if you believe in this.

Even if it were not for the direct benefit of oneself, all of us who wish to live in a more harmonious, loving and fair society and are dedicated to the best interests of our state and all of its inhabitants, have a duty and a responsibility to break the backbone of such legal injustices. Those of us who are in positions to change laws have a responsibility to now begin the hard work of changing them or accept being part of the problem which we must overcome and remove. Those of us compelled to cooperate with unjust laws, have a responsibility to disobey them and not comply, such as clergy members, justices of the peace or county law clerks, or accept their contributions to the problem. Those of us targeted and victimized by unjust laws have an incumbent responsibility to challenge them by petition, communicating our demands to our legislators and by peaceful yet assertive protest or there shall be no sympathy for us. We must also get better at engaging our loved ones, those closest to us, friends and family about why marriage equality matters and encourage them to take some form of action as you have. We must put aside our differences, our pride, our arrogance and resentments and reach out to one another and pull together all of the disjointed factions of this state’s LGBT population into one strong united front. The urbanites must join hands with the rural dwellers. Lesbians must become true siblings and best friends with gay men and vice-versa and not leave out their trans and bi siblings. We must get better at race relations and class relations than our heterosexual counterparts. We could do this by welcoming inclusion and respect, by embracing, honoring and representing the beauty of our diversity instead of trying to whitewash or standardize our image to the alienation of those who do not fit into that self-imposed image. We don’t need to assimilate but we must belong to one another and recognize that this is much bigger than the concerns of just one group. Our youth must seek the wisdom of their elders and our seniors must appreciate the innovations of our youth and take their places as respectable guides. We must include the populous strength of our ordinary everyday people in this work as leaders and not have this struggle dominated and controlled by the self-imposed leadership of an overbearing and cliqued up elite. We must invite the support of our straight allies and educate them about our needs. We must commit ourselves to doing whatever we can and must do to offer our talents, our skills, our passions, our stories, our money, our time, our prestige and our connections to those organizations which are committed to doing the work of organizing and mobilizing a movement to directly dismantle these legal injustices like The Love Under Fire Campaign on the state level in Georgia.

As Americans, we have a right to do this if anyone was senselessly waiting for me to come along and give them permission. I have heard certain persons cry out in desperation, “What in the world is it going to take to finally bring marriage equality to Georgia?” And I have just told you. Look not beyond yourselves. I am no genius imparting some innovative wisdom which has not been successfully tried and proven in the past. This kind of self-determination and unification is what has always worked to free people from the abuses of an oppressor, from the early Christians to the Revolutionary Americans to the Indians of Gandhi’s era to the African American Civil Rights movement and I know it will work just as effectively for us today. We are not required to subject ourselves to laws which degrade and do not uplift.

((Continuation of this discussion in Part #2))

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


                                   Happy Birthday, Capricorns! December 22nd-January 19th

Capricorns are the entrepreneurs and the capitalists of the zodiac. Their marked ambition for upward mobility is symbolized by the goat ascending a mountain. They are the Cardinal Earth sign of the zodiac. The earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are influenced by stern pragmatisms, practicalities and down-to-earth conservatism. When this element is expressed in the Cardinal mode these influences are made active. Thus, we have an earthquake on our hands with the same earth shaking ambition which erected the prodigious mountains when it comes to the
practical application of concrete plans, and managing the everyday necessities of life. Capricorn is also governed by the planet, Saturn, which in Roman mythology is represented by the god of agriculture, time and wealth. The planet is the second largest planet in the Zodiac which makes them the 5th most powerful sign in the zodiac after Scorpio, Leo, Aries, and then Sagittarius respectively. Saturn has historically been asscociated with the letter of the law or a tyrannical obsession with a rigid enforcement of the written law. This makes Capricorns very ordered personalities who plan religiously for their ascent to better modes of living. Saving and investing are nearly as important to them as eating and breathing. Prudence is the word that best describes this sign. The most important question to a Capricorn is, "How is this going to take us to the next level?"

Capricorns are hard workers and are diligent in meeting their goals. While competitive in their ambitiousness with Scorpio, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, they tend to stick to more realistic goals; goals which if they work hard enough for it, they can acheive it beyond a shadow of a doubt. While opportunistic, these are not your natural risk takers and they are not comfortable with leaving things to chance or luck. Their cautious nature will always lead them to look before leaping. And while they will occassionally take successful leaps only if they have to, it will only be after much precalculation, deliberation and risk management. Excellence is always in their nature as they strive to be the best in any endeavor they're involved in. They are not comfortable with being second rate. They make sure that their works must stand out and set high standards.

Capricorns take a gritty and disciplined business approach to just about everything in life. They believe in taking things one step at a time. Because they need to play it safe, they need concrete rules and patterns to plan by so they can be scientifically sure of their success. Those who achieve beyond them while not playing by the rules or society's norms anger them as unfair and they are very unforgiving of those who get an easy ride to the top, especially ahead of them. They believe everyone should have to work as hard as they have to get where they have gotten. Being governed by Saturn, they are patient with methodically sowing seeds of success over a long period of time, keeping in sync with the patterns they have observed. This dependence on rules and norms will make them rather the traditional types. Punctuality and common sense are principles they hold dear. Falling in line right after Scorpio and Sagittarius, these too struggle with egotism. Unlike Sagittarius who often gets full of the awesomeness of their vivacious personalities and wide knowledge-base, Capricorns pride themselves on their hard work and as they acheive their arrogance grows in parralel to their self-confidence. While they do not usually display their pride as wild divas, like Sagittarius, they are found to be rather dignified and snooty.

In love, Capricorns are very cautious when being pursued but are attracted to ambition, good-sense and reliability. Always show up on time and be on point in all the material needs of stability, career, income, status, car, independence, etc if you seek a Capricorn. Have goals and realistic ones they can understand and value with their practical minds. If you're one of those types who plan to take over the world, keep those fantasies to yourself until you can show it to them by evidence of your hard work and results. They too want to be on top of the world and will be attracted to your ambition if they can believe in its eventual success. Be self-confident. Toughen your skin, Capricorns believe in tough love, they are just fine with allowing those they love to suffer if it will teach them a valuable lesson and make them stronger and more hardened like themselves. Not only that, when they care, it usually not the mushy, compassionate type of caring but they will be determined and rather domineering and helping to meet the needs of those they love, even if it means bossing them around to get them to do what they ought to do, or harshly scolding them and purposely hurting their feelings. This is how they love. Truly, if they did not care, they would not bother. For the most part, they often just worry about themselves and do not care for meddling in the affairs of others, especially if it has nothing do with their personal success. They will tell you, "I don't have time for that." And they are very shrewd with their time, it is their most precious resource. Capricorn is compatible with all of their fellow earth signs, Taurus and Virgo. They appreciate Taurus' stability and Virgo's orderliness. They are also able to acheive much when pairing up with two of the water signs, Cancer and Scorpio.

Career pursuits that suit Capricorn are just about anything involving math and money. They are natural entreprenuers and capitalists. They make reliable managers and talent agents. They make sound financial consultants and corporate executives. If involved in politics, they are prone to lean toward the right or the more conservative factions. As a hobby only, you might find them engaged in rock climbing.

2013 Love Predictions:

Your partner’s moral support is likely to increase in the second half of the year and that is when you will need it the most. Those willing to go in for a new relationship may go for it in the second part of the year. If the relationship is strong, it will sustain itself. Those already in a relationship may proceed towards married life and will tie the knot this year. Married couples need to support each other in order to keep things in balance. Between April and August, you and your partner may plan a long distant trip.

The first part of the year 2013 will generally not be significantly different from the second half of the previous year. There will be different shades, though, generated by the transit of the personal planets.

Therefore, January 2013 will enchant you by having Venus in Capricorn. Its irresistible attributes, charm, elegance and sensuality will surround you and enhance your capacity to seduce. There will be opportunities for love, dates and reconciliation to happen, and the couple atmosphere will be tender and cooperative.

March 2013 will focus attention on conversations, mail, declarations, romantic strolls and trips. It can also cause some discrepancies, but they can be easily avoided by making messages clear.

The second part of April and all the month May 2013 will vigorously stimulate sexual energy and romantic tendencies. Your overflowing eroticism will give birth to flirts, adventure, passion.

Between 3rd and 27th June 2013 the stars will favor you again: Venus, the Lesser Benefic, will cross Capricorn's house of couples.

It's still in June that a highly important event will take place: Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, will also enter Capricorn's house of couples, where it'll stay until July 2014. Traditionally, Jupiter in your house of couples offers the brightest perspectives of happiness, fulfillment and understanding. The relationship will develop harmoniously, there'll be shared achievements, the partner will benefit from professional or financial chance, etc.

Jupiter will broaden the perspective, will enhance the offer and create the appropriate environment for love, reconciliation, engagement or even marriage to happen. It's still Jupiter that can set you free from an unhappy relationship.

If it's disturbed by other planetary transits, Jupiter can harm the relational life by excesses, extravagancy, waste, vanity, exaggeration, carelessness or dishonesty. Beware especially at the end of June, in July and August 2013, but also in the last decanate of September and the first half of October, as well as in December 2013!
Capricorns are likely to get several opportunities for forging new relationships and reinforcing the existing ones. 2013 is predicted to be an exciting year for Capricorn lovers. New avenues will open up for those who have had no luck in the past few years in matters pertaining to love. Capricorn Love Horoscope 2013 predicts immense joy for people involved in a serious relationship. The movement of Mars and Uranus will offer ample opportunities to seekers of love to usher in special person in their life. There might be complete transformation for some people in 2013.

There are high chances of a Capricorn finding the right soul mate in 2013. You might walk down the aisle in this year if you start off with a relationship and show complete devotion towards keeping it for life. Those born under this zodiac sign are suggested by the Capricorn Love Horoscope 2013 to make the right move this year if they have failed earlier in expressing their feelings for their special person.

Famous Capricorns: Elvis, Muhammed Ali, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Al Capone, Aaliyah, Alvin Ailey, Debbie Allen, Kirstie Alley, Marc Antony (Roman General), Clara Barton, Mary J. Blige, Orlando Bloom, Julian Bond, David Bowie, Nicolas Cage, Cab Calloway, Jim Carrey, LL Cool J, Kevin Costner, Paula Deen, Katie Couric, Ted Danson, John Denver, Taye Diggs, Gabby Douglas, President Millard Filmore, George Foreman, Benjamin Franklin, Joe Frazier, Ava Gardner, Mel Gibson, Cuba Gooding Jr., Cary Grant, Steve Harvey, Alexander Hamilton, J. Edgar Hoover, Anthony Hopkins, Zora Neale Hurston, President Andrew Johnson, James Earl Jones, Roy Jones, Janis Joplin, R. Kelly, Eartha Kitt, Jude Law, General Robert E. Lee, John Legend, Rush Limbaugh, General James Longstreet, Julia Dreyfus, Diane Keaton, Susan Lucci, Ricky Martin, Dave Matthews, Barry Goldwater, Sir Isaac Newton, President Richard Nixon, First Lady Michele Obama, Dolly Parton, Mekhi Phifer, Edgar Allen Poe, Paul Revere, Karl Rove, Sade, Diane Sawyer, Howard Stern, Rod Stewart, John Singleton, Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormanism), Donna Summer, Nicholas Sparks, Phil Spector, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mary Tyler Moore, Jean Stapleton, Tracy Ulman, Madam C.J. Walker, Denzel Washington, Betty White, Governor Douglas Wilder, President Woodrow Wilson, Tiger Woods

                                                    Capicorn Love Theme Song: