1. Plug-in and engage: Go to www.facebook.com/LoveUnderFire and click "LIKE" on the right-side of the header.
2. Recruit: Under the Georgia Flag, you will see a "Smart Suggest To Friend" button. Click on it and the rest should be self explanatory. Or to the right of the "MESSAGE" button click on the gear icon and select "Share" in the drop-down menu. Post blurb on your page, in groups which you belong to and in private messages to friends and family anywhere in Georgia who you know might be interested in supporting this cause.
3. Host Conference Call Party: Invite 5 close friends over for dessert, games and music beginning with a live interactive chat with The Love Under Fire Campaign, which will report campaign developments and feature relationship building advice. Encourage a discussion on the topic when the call is done. Have those 5 friends invite 3 other friends before they come. Broadcasting live every 3rd Tuesday on WRFG 89.3FM from 7P-8PM. Or you may stream the show live online @ http://wrfg.org/howlisten.asp . To call in dial 404-523-8989. The next one will be announced here Fireside Chat. Repeat this step for the next call or alternate hosting between those 5 friends.
4. Write a handwritten letter, e-mail or call your state and federal legislators. Find them at www.congress.org Read this article to get more ideas about how to engage your legislators.
5. Spread awareness by wearing a white knot at work on a red top on Mondays. Can't where a red top? Wear a red rose on the right and the white knot on the left. Get your white knot @: www.whiteknot.org Be prepared to educate when questioned about the meaning of the white knot and bring some for others to wear.
6. Organize a group of friends and supporters 3-5 or more and then visit your local courthouse with your same-sex partner and request a marriage license. They of course, will deny your request. As a record request that they write denied on your application and then share with them why marriage matters to you in less than 5 minutes and then leave peacefully. Black out your personal information and then snap a picture and send the evidence to dir.loveunderfire@aol.com and any of your local media outlets. We will be compiling these evidences of injustice. Obey all laws and remain peaceful and compliant. DO NOT show up alone just in case your friends might need to notify an attorney or the authorities in the case that you are unjustly arrested or harrassed by civilians. Visit WE DO Campaign for examples of how this is done. If things get out of hand through no fault of your own, contact www.lambdalegal.org Chances are you will have no problem if you remain peaceful and respectful.
7. Talk to your friends and family members about why marriage equality matters and get them involved. Watch these videos and this article and this article too to give you ideas and talking points but always relate them to your personal experiences. If you know of an outright opponent, read the List of Denials and then ask your friend if they know and care about what they are trying to take away from LGBT citizens. If they do, ask them why and ask how would they feel if done to them. Chances are they do not know and this is your open door to begin enlightening them. Ask them if they know of any particular LGBT families or individuals who are negatively impacted by their current legal status.
8. Make a Tax-Deductable Donation, ear-marked to The Love Under Fire Campaign through our sponsor, St Mark United Methodist Church Just select "other" and enter Love Under Fire Inc.
9. Offer your skills and talents. If you have any particular skill and talent you know of which could be an asset to the campaign and are willing to volunteer them as needed, please e-mail Dir.LoveUnderFire@aol.com your name, your contact information, your time availability, daily, weekly and time of year, your location and the details of your experience and recognition with whatever skills or talents you are offering to the movement. We are building a database of those wanting to help us. If at anytime we could use your help for a particular project, you will be contacted by our Secretary. We could use all the help that we can get.
10. Forward this page to others:: DO NOT SPAM!!! Spam is impersonal mass-emailing, messaging or form conversations with individuals who have not opted to join your list. This is not an effective tactic to engage people. In fact, it is likely to garner their resistance and get you ignored and in some cases, it is illegal. The best tactic is personally reaching out to individuals using their name and other personal relevances in truthful, honest and natural conversation even if it is electronic. If you wish to communicate with the masses, join a group which has similar concerns to our campaign and promotions of this sort are allowed and welcomed. Not sure? Contact the group's admin to get permission. Or you may post it on your facebook page, twitter or through any other list you already have where people have opted to receive like communications from you. It would be best if you have set an example by doing at least one of the previous 9 suggestions and telling your friends about what you did.
Like any campaign, commercial, political, social or otherwise, it is to our best interests to try to maintain an engaging and respectable brand. The moment you begin acting and using the name of this campaign in relation to each other, you automatically become an ambassador of that brand and it reflects on our entire movement. With that said, we ask that you please act responsibly and be as decent in conduct, speech and appearance as you possibly can when representing us. In all public affairs, we aim to engender and maintain an image which is poised, dignified and assertive. This is a world of difference from being aggressive, unfriendly, whiney, combative and an anarchist, even though some of our proposed methods might be considered radical by some conservative perspectives. This is also a world of difference from a strategy which is passive, complacent and accomodating to injustices which has yet to yield any real results. We do not use signs, we do not chant, we do not argue, and we never succumb to or openly agitate violence even if it is leveled against us. We will always behave lovingly and friendly, even if we are not treated the same as we are determined in our refusal to cooperate with injustice and to defy it. We will save our arguments for when our opponents are ready to listen. Until then, we only speak our truth unapologetically in love and conviction as we commit ourselves to letting our actions go on and speak boldly for itself. We believe that is all that we need until our opponents are forced to negotiate with our demands or incur ongoing, unceasing and mounting problems related to the issue of marriage discrimination. Lastly, to keep things rooted in perspective, balance and sanity, take things which must be taken seriously seriously. All else, keep a good sense of humor, and don't let these people steal your joy. You're going to need it. If we act together now, we're going to win this. Don't worry about that.
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