Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Raymond Kyle Williams, a Land Use/Zoning and Real Estate Attorney in Decatur aiming to succeed Georgia Governor hopeful, Jason Carter as State Senator of Georgia's 42nd Senatorial District has endorsed and signed the petition which has now gained over 2000 supporters to begin the end of Georgia's Marriage Ban in 2014 ( http://chn.ge/16SsVHo ).

"I live the fight for equality. I struggled through my own coming out to family, friends, and employers. I know that my twelve year commitment to my partner is not recognized, valued, or protected by Georgia. If elected to succeed Jason Carter as Senator of Georgia’s 42nd District, I would unequivocally and with no hesitation introduce legislation to repeal Georgia’s Marriage Ban, Section IV of Georgia Constitution and Title Code 19-3-3.1 that excludes same-sex couples, like my family, from marriage and prohibits same-sex couples from any legal recognition. To have marriage inequality written into state law for the purpose of discrimination and to make the LGBT community second-class citizens is unnecessary and a dangerous misuse of the legislative system with regards to civil rights. I will work to correct this wrong. There is no time like the present to begin the process of correcting this injustice so that same sex couples are afforded the same legal rights to protect, validate and celebrate our families and our love. No Georgian left behind!" 1/14/14 -Raymond Kyle Williams



The time has now come to take to the phones and let freedom ring off the hook with real voices in the offices of those named legislators who have given the concept of marriage equality moral support yet have stopped short at direct action. While this year we will begin facing real consequences due to their inaction, we need to tell them that anything short of what Raymond Kyle Williams is now determined to do if given the chance is not enough and will not quell or satiate the rising chorus for the freedom to marry and equality. Ask them to choose this day whom they will serve, because our decision day is coming too, Tuesday, November 4th, 2014. We need someone who is willing to draw a line in the sand for freedom, equality, love and respect. We now have that person. Will they be that someone too? If not, our choice in November has now been made easy.

Rep. Dr. Karla Drenner - 404-656-0202
Rep. Simone Bell- 404-656-0325 Mobile 404-641-2253
Rep. Keisha Waites- 404-656-0220 - Office
Rep. Stacey Abrams 404-656-5058 - Office, 404-378-9434 - Office
Rep. Mable Thomas 404-656-6372
Sen. Curt Thompson, Georgia Senate: 404-463-1318
Dubose Porter, Chair of Democratic Party of Georgia- 678-278-2016 ext. 301

To continue to drive the petition, please copy and paste this message into a phone text message to 10 friends: "If love and the freedom to marry are important to you, please support the petition to end of GA's Marriage Ban @: http://chn.ge/16SsVHo then fwd to 10 GA friends TY"

Support Kyle Williams @: http://kylewilliams2014.com

Lastly, continue to send in your testimonials about how Georgia's Marriage Inequality Laws have impacted your life. Please post these testimonies on our facebook group ( www.facebook.com/LoveUnderFire ) and/or email dir.loveunderfire@aol.com. As they come in, I am asking Rep. Waites to share these testimonies with those who might need to see and consider the real-life circumstances of what some of you out there are experiencing due to the current state of affairs. Also were are in the midst of producing a 2014 promotional video around the theme of testifying to love and need content. Please send you pictures as well.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Uganda's Anti-gay legislation give license to mob executions of "homosexuals"

Is your church a "SAFE PLACE TO HATE"?

Today, many of you, well, some of you will be visiting your house of worship tomorrow and an event this week leads me to raise the question of whether or not you will be visiting a sanctuary of love or a safe-haven for hate.

A few days ago, a controversy blew up in the media over Phil Robertson, patriarch of the Duck Dynasty offering his views about homosexuality. “Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong. Sin becomes fine," Robertson told GQ's Drew Magary about immorality. “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men ... Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

Because of the uproar over Robertson comparing homosexuality to bestiality and the resulting suspension from A&E, I thought I should look into it. Prior, "Duck Dynasty" had not even been on my radar of things to pay attention to. After researching his exact statement, I simply rolled my eyes and said under my breath, "How typical." and moved on to turn my attention to more interesting things. Not to judge or stereotype or condescend on anyone, though, what do we have we here? We have a 67 year old rustic from Louisiana. I'm sure as a human being, he has goodness in his heart...I hope. But consider the era, location, and demographics of this man's formative years and how it has shaped the ideas and attitudes of this man. Given these factors, he is quite typical of the "Southern Redneck". They are not known for their education, their intellect or being enlightened about anything outside of those who are just like themselves. They are often isolated away from the rest of contemporary society, which is why they appear strange and alien to us and us to them. They are like living time capsules of what we used to be, while the rest of society has gone on to evolve. This is the very reason why they are viewed with great interest as a Pop novelty. They are a freak-show to amuse and be mocked by contemporary society.

Given this, I can not be offended by his remarks. Not only that, he is doing his best to quote from memory, the poorly translated King James version of The Holy Bible, a fourth generation translation from its original Aramaic texts. (Generations of oral histories>>>Aramaic text>>>Greek>>>Latin>>>Olde English) If you have ever played the game of telephone with your friends as a kid and laughed at how poorly a message was relayed from person-to-person by even the most honest and well-intentioned players, then you can understand how errors in translation could have appeared in what Western Society have come to worship as "The Inerrant WORD OF GOD" The written text is as follows, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God." 1st Corinthians 6:9-10 (KJV) written by Paul. The most recent distortion of the text occurred in 1946, when the Revised Standard Version (RSV) was released. In it, the text "effeminate" was paraphrased as "homosexual" a word that had only entered the English language just 20 years prior. To go back even further, the word "effeminate" is a misnomer of the original Greek word, "Malikois" which closest meaning is the vague term of "soft". From there, we can guess until the cows come home about what Paul meant by "soft". However the (KJV) translators took it to mean "effeminate" in the partriarchal attitudes of the 17th century which held anything relating to women being thought of as soft or weak. We see later, those who wanted to update the King James Version took "effeminate" to mean "homosexual", and this is the doctrine Robertson has been raised with. Because of his debased intellect, I wouldn't expect him to do any research to understand anything further beyond what his Pastor has preached from the pulpit, because conservative Christianity has put "THE FEAR OF GOD" in its followers from questioning what is written. How dangerous this ideology now becomes? Had Paul any clue that over the millenias what we would do with his letters, turning them into "The WORD OF GOD" he may have thought much better about what he was writing.

So when given the opportunity to voice his opinions he holds valid, he is publicly "crucified" if we must liken him to the martyr that was Jesus. We are shocked by his words, and he is shocked by our reaction to his words. There is indeed a deep disconnect here. However, if we demoralize him, we are no better than he is in his understanding, which is probably not much more than a field mouse. I would rather we take the spot off this poor man, who is a victim of his surroundings, and use this as a teachable moment, because there are many, and I mean many who are just like him sitting in our churches, perhaps next to you this Sunday morning. I would rather have a discussion about the repucussions this ideology is causing in today's society. Is it causing people to be more loving toward one another? If it is not, it can not be GOSPEL. Au Contrare, it has the Church pitted in a passionate fight with itself over our relationships with our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender family members, fellow parishoners and members of our community. As more stand in their truth, it is becoming increasingly uncomfortable to subscribe to these attitudes in good conscience, yet many dare not call the Bible a lie. The spirit of Christianity is coming into direct conflict with what has been taken as the literal foundations of Christian doctrine, "the letter of the law". The last time this happened, Jesus was here with us to correct that which many had held as the letter of the, law had been misread and misunderstood or held in woefully shallow understanding. What is the law, anyway? Some will point to Leviticus. Some will point to the Ten Commandments. Others will point to Micah 6. Some will quote Matthew 25:31-46. Even Jesus asked Joseph or Arimethea this very question, "what is the law?" When he was criticised for healing on the Sabbath which was unlawful according to Leviticus.

"One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”
“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

“Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.”

When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” -Mark 12:28-34

So there it is, to Love GOD and Love others as yourself. The ten comandments can be split into these two comandments. Comandments 1-4 are about loving GOD. Comandments 5-10 are about loving others as ourselves, for if we did, we could never violate comandments 5-10.

I will simplify this even further to its most common denominator, LOVE. The Law is Love. Whenever we make it about anything other than that, Know for a fact that we have lost our way and are missing the forest for the trees. In Matthew 25:31-46, souls passed into the Kingdom of GOD on Judgement Day, not because of their righteous actions. They had know idea that they had been serving Jesus anyway, they were only doing what LOVE leads you to do when it is in your heart. It is LOVE that SAVED them, not any creeds about love or calling on the name of Jesus or (Yeshua Ben Yosef, if you happen to know who that is.) Helping and comforting others was in their very nature. They could not help but do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with GOD. Do we need a written law to compel mothers to nurture and protect their children? The love in their hearts takes care of that responsibility. So must it be with each of us. But what happens when love is absent? We judge each other, we attack each other, we disrespect one other, we diminish one another, we dismiss each other's humanity and lineage to GOD and we kill one another. Hell is then the result of this, for what we do to others, we do to ourselves. That is the universal Law of Reciprocity. Many call it Karma. For indeed we are ONE, from the same source and will return to that same source. While we are here, we depend on the same resources. And if we are ONE, then collectively, we are GOD. For GOD is ONE and indivisible, (WHOLE)ly Holy. So you can not then say that you love GOD, but then hate your brother. And by hate, I mean hate him with your actions and with your words and with your attitudes toward him if they are not loving, kind, uplifting and appreciative....hallelujah! The absence of LOVE is then the most grievous sin, because if we have not love, we have not GOD! For GOD is LOVE. Without it, we are dead men and dead women walking. That is what we are called to do. If you ever wanted to know what your calling is, I have just told you, and HE will equip you to fulfill it with every provision if you but ask. There is someone else who has been called to judge, and I am sorry, it is not you.

I conclude this tirade because a few days ago, my pastor, The Rev. Paul M. Turner of Gentle Spirit Christian Church was asked his opinion about Robertson's words on Fox News Atlanta. He was recorded as calling them "Horrific". This has seemed to stir up a hornets nest of Robertson supporters feeling it is their duty to defend their precious doctrine from a Pastor they feel is out to disrespect and attack it. A doctrine of what? I don't think they even know. Over the last few days, he has been called by so-called Christians any and everything but a child of GOD. Here are a few: "You are an idiot", You are the spawn of Satan", "You are Satan", "Why don't you keep your faggot ass opinion to yourself", "You will burn in the fires of Hell", "I rebuke you and your fudge-packing ilk in the name of Jesus!" "I rebuke you", "I vomit at the thought of you calling yourself a pastor!" and to top it off: "It is you who is horrific, you sperm of Hell!"

Now, you might agree with Robertson but would never utter such vile and hateful things to another human being. But if I am talking about you, I want to ask you, where do you think they get this kind of stuff from? Obviously, they call themselves Christians or they wouldn't seem so upset and offended. Could it be possible that they got these attitudes straight from church. Scary isn't it? These people are very likely in your church, if you go to church. If your pastor is not putting his/her foot down on these kinds of hateful attitudes brought on by a slavish adherence to an innacurate bible, you and your pastor are just as bad because instead of making your church a sanctuary of love, you have acquiesed to the real Satan (Ha-Satan: "The Accuser") to create an environment in your church which is then a safe place to hate, the most grievous and root of all the sins. People commit suicide, are beaten, abused, bullied, terrorized and butally killed in the most barbaric ways over these pieces of scripture. We can tell it is not gospel because of its fruit. If you are not working to enlighten the minds, hearts and spirits of your fellow Christians to the Gospel of Love, their blood is then on your hands, you "murderers". You don't get to sit blameless in the attitude of "I agree with the what the bible says, but I would never say or do that." A woman was moments from being stoned to death over what was written as law, and what did Jesus have to say about that? "He is who is without sin, may cast the first stone." I think Jesus was supposed to be "He, who is without sin" so why did He not throw a stone at Mary Magdalene? The letter of the Law said that this is what is to be done with women of her kind. Ignorance indeed kills. I wonder if the pastors of these individuals, if they have pastors at all, have any clue about what their parishoners are doing and what they would have to say about it. As his parishoner, if Rev. Turner ever caught me saying such cursed and hateful things to anyone, I would be sat down for a very stern conversation, even if they were rabidly racist, homophobic or whatever and had said the same thing to me. He doesn't play that, repaying hatred for hatred. So, Christians what will you do today and tomorrow to spread the true Gospel of Love and save some lives before it is too late?

If you dare to visualize the fruits of this doctrine, you may visit this link: Mob execution of Gay Man in Africa


Happy Birthday Aries (March 21st-April 19th)

Happy birthday to the pioneers and warriors of the zodiac. Aries is the first sign of the zodiacal calendar, and thus carries first-born mentality. They are all about blazing trails, doing it first and setting an example for others to follow. This quality makes them natural leaders combined with the urge to be original in all they do, they set trends.

Aries is the Cardinal Fire sign. The fire element represents spirit, the dominant influence of fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. This gives all three very dynamic personalities. The three are spiritual, passionate, high-spirited, lively, dramatic, energetic, and charismatic…and with a big ego with lofty ambitions to match. They are very warm, happy and friendly people yet with a feisty temper if ruffled. 

Cardinal is how fire is expressed in this sign. Cardinal signs express their element in a very active and vigorous fashion. It is their element on the move. The Cardinal quality of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn makes the influence of their element very driven. Cardinal Fire would then describe a personality which is likened to a blazing inferno or wild fire.

Like the battering ram which represents this sign, they are prone to storm aggressively with powerful thrusts against anything they indicate as the enemy. Their ruling planet of Mars, also the Roman god of war, makes them combative and viewing just about everything in their life from the pretext of a battle and they are always battle ready. If one word could be used to encapsulate the Aries personality, that word would be BOLD! 

Aries is a masculine sign, which are extrovert types. Even female Aries are known to be rather masculine in their attitudes; outspoken, independent and brazen. Male Aries really should guard their tempers. They are impulsive and ready to scrap at the drop of a hat, which can land them hot water very quickly.  

Aside from being a fighter sign with their dukes up ready to go at it at any time and any place, they are not mean-spirited like the tendencies of their rival sign, Scorpio which is also ruled by Mars and Pluto.  In Aries, Mars is dominant. In Scorpio, Pluto is dominant. Scorpio is also a feminine sign and introverted which makes them a little more calculated and secretive in their attacks than Aries. Pluto represents the paranormal and the afterlife. In Scorpio, dominant Pluto draws them to mystery and the paranormal. In Aries, secondary Pluto gives them a romantic interest in their own death. Because of this, they are dare-devils and often flirt with death and disaster. Many may even believe that they have a death wish. The foolhardy Aries, see themselves as adventurous. It may have been and Aries who invented the saying, Y.O.L.O. Having fun, fighting the good fight and living life with no regrets is what life is all about to an Aries. Risk and danger is sexy to them and it is their style of romance.

The audacity of Aries often makes them heroes, though unlike Leo, they care little about hero worship. In fact, fans annoy them. They just seem to have no fears and are committed to doing whatever is necessary for progress. They are like the rogue lone wolf and do not do it for the social glory. Their first-born independence makes them quite comfortable and preferable to doing things on their own and on their own initiative. They don't need anybody, or so they like to think. The downside of this is that Aries can behave very selfishly and thus break a lot of hearts because being seen or acting as coupled up is not as important to them as it may be to others. Yet, their cool, gutsy, bad boy persona is also their main sex appeal.  
In leadership, they are direct and to the point, sometimes even blunt. Guard your feelings. They are also known to be hasty and impatient. Their gifts in leadership are in their competitiveness. They like to win and expect to win and usually do. Their charisma as a cheer leader spirit gets their subordinates to believe in victory as well, so long as the Aries is on board and leading the march. The drum major instinct is strong with Aries.

So how do you steal an Aries heart? Never be afraid of them. Be independent. Have goals. Be competitive and determined. Compete with them and win. Be adventurous. Aries are very physical and so beating them in a game of soccer or martial arts will get them enamored about you. Keep a mystery about yourself that threatens them. They are drawn to the unknown and to supposed danger. A combination of confidence and mystery will turn your ram into a lamb. Don't be needy. To balance out the fire of Aries, they need someone who is more of a level head and not as reactive as they are. For this reason, Libra is the best match for and Aries. Precisely, a Libra-Scorpio Cusp (10/17-23) would suit them best. Second best match for an Aries is a Sagittarius-Scorpio Cusp (11/22-28). Third best match is Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp (12/17-23). Leo, Gemini and Aquarius are also suitable matches for Aries. Leo will assert themselves as the executive leader but will depend upon Aries as their right hand to actually get their most difficult tasks started. Aquarius and Aries will make a Lewis and Clark partnership, always on the frontier of new discoveries. Aries and Sagittarius are like brothers and will make the classic Bonnie and Clyde pair, two fire signs with a thirst for adventure. Gemini and Aries will swoon over each other’s originality. Gemini’s playfulness will stimulate Aries. Aries and Scorpio being archrivals will make a dramatic love/hate relationship. They will respect each other but it will be adversarial, all about Love and War. If Aries and Scorpio ever get on the wrong side of each other, WATCH OUT! Both signs have been known to bring it. Together, they will cook up the most dynamic and powerful sexual and lustful energy for each other in the zodiac, but probably not compatible for the long haul. Aries will be drawn to Scorpio’s magnetic aura of mystery and admire her determination and resolve. The fault line of their relationship will be about the rigidness of Scorpio vs. the progressive nature of Aries, the sensitivity and possessiveness of Scorpio vs. the blunt, direct style of Aries and his independent, lone wolf nature. Scorpios are resentful and vindictive with their anger. Aries are explosive with their anger but quickly move on past it when once they have blown their top. Anger comes quickly and goes quickly with Aries. With Scorpio, it comes quickly and intensely and then lingers for a lengthy time. An Aries will probably overcome a Scorpio in initial ferocity but not in determination. Ever heard the saying, “You may win the battle, but you’ll lose the war.”? The worst mistake an Aries can make is to believe that they have conquered a Scorpio. Scorpios are comeback kids and counterpunchers.  

The Aries Love Theme Song:

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Happy Birthday Taurus (April 20th-May21st)

Meet the foundation and the builders of the zodiac. Happy Birthday, sturdy and stubborn Taurus. Taurus is the one everyone comes to lean on. They are the support beams to any group they belong to and this is a good thing because you have here the fixed earth sign of the zodiac. Think solid ground. These Bulls are practical, reliable and no-nonsense. These are down-to-earth believers in the rewards of hard work and manual labor. They carry a matter-of-fact approach to just about everything in life. They are your classic conservatives and traditionalists in society. If it works, they are not excited about changing things. They not only desire stability in their lives, they bring the stability to their surroundings.

In temperament, Taureans are usually calm, cool and collected, almost stoic with a sense of gravitas to their nature. It is only when an element disturbs the stability of their environment, their home life in particular, you would need to holler Toro! When reacting to this disturbing element, Taureans can be quite the bully as they throw their weight around in an uncompromising fashion. They will wield all power which is at their disposal to crush a rebellion with ruthless efficiency all while keeping a cool, Godfather like composure. They have a knack for playing hardball. This is why they are usually the hard nugget representative of the status quo and the old guard. When a female Taurus adopts the sturdy posture of putting her hands on her hips or a male Taurus grabs his belt buckle in State Trooper stance, they are about to enforce the law and let you know what time it is. For this reason, assertiveness is second nature to a Taurus when it comes to keeping law and order.

The ruling planet of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty gives Taurus a peculiar flare for being attractive and very romantic. There are four signs which take glamour to the level of passion and they are Leo, Virgo, Libra and Taurus. Leo is regal and showy. Virgo is the en vogue fashionista of the zodiac. Libra is the unassuming cutie next door, but Taurus is the glamour goddess or pretty boy of the horoscope. The women are usually regarded as gorgeous and timeless beauties. Male bulls are seen as strikingly handsome in a very classical sense. Think of the old Hollywood icons of Marilyn Monroe, Lana Turner, Grace Kelly, Lena Horne and Clark Gable. They place high value upon being good-looking. These are the types that win pageants and are remembered for their beauty. 

In love, Taureans are very romantic, giving, protective and possessive of the objects of affection. As long as their lovers are loyal to them, they would work hard and give anything in the world to keep them comfortable, safe and happy with them. This is why they usually spoil their mates. With romance, you have just met with the King of Hearts or the Queen of Hearts when they come to court you. Anything that involves soft music, flowers and chocolate, being close to you, touching you without external disturbances or stimulation is their idea of a romantic evening. They don’t need much adventure for romance to take place and would prefer to do without it. They like it slow, intimate, soft and sensual just like something out of the classical Harlequin romance novel. And they love it when you call them Big Papa. They are often guilty though in seeking out trophy spouses. They just have a sweet tooth for beauty. With this though, if you are a Taurus, beware of those who will seek to take advantage of your hard working and giving nature. With love, if loyalty is violated with a Taurus, again it is time to cry Toro!

The best match for this sign is Scorpio, because stability, predictability, and loyalty are key traits to them as well. A Taurus will also love a Cancer for their keen domestic talents. Taurus and Capricorn together make an ambitious duo which mutually understands the value of hard work. Taurus and Virgo also make a stable pair with Taurus providing the framework and Virgo adding the finishing touches of perfection. Taurus and Pisces will fall in love initially as they compete for who can out-romance who but it won’t last long because the flightiness of Pisces. Taurus and Libra are both ruled by Venus, making them both appreciators and presenters of romance and beauty. Because of this, Taurus and Libra will enjoy dates but will harshly conflict if Taurus decides to put their foot down on an unfair position. When Taurus goes bully mode, the chastising and whipping winds of Libra will land on them like a scourge.    

While also known for being humble, generous and sweet to their lovers, the negative side of this sign is that they are often accused of being pigheaded, controlling, overbearing, and gluttonous.