Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Raymond Kyle Williams, a Land Use/Zoning and Real Estate Attorney in Decatur aiming to succeed Georgia Governor hopeful, Jason Carter as State Senator of Georgia's 42nd Senatorial District has endorsed and signed the petition which has now gained over 2000 supporters to begin the end of Georgia's Marriage Ban in 2014 ( http://chn.ge/16SsVHo ).

"I live the fight for equality. I struggled through my own coming out to family, friends, and employers. I know that my twelve year commitment to my partner is not recognized, valued, or protected by Georgia. If elected to succeed Jason Carter as Senator of Georgia’s 42nd District, I would unequivocally and with no hesitation introduce legislation to repeal Georgia’s Marriage Ban, Section IV of Georgia Constitution and Title Code 19-3-3.1 that excludes same-sex couples, like my family, from marriage and prohibits same-sex couples from any legal recognition. To have marriage inequality written into state law for the purpose of discrimination and to make the LGBT community second-class citizens is unnecessary and a dangerous misuse of the legislative system with regards to civil rights. I will work to correct this wrong. There is no time like the present to begin the process of correcting this injustice so that same sex couples are afforded the same legal rights to protect, validate and celebrate our families and our love. No Georgian left behind!" 1/14/14 -Raymond Kyle Williams



The time has now come to take to the phones and let freedom ring off the hook with real voices in the offices of those named legislators who have given the concept of marriage equality moral support yet have stopped short at direct action. While this year we will begin facing real consequences due to their inaction, we need to tell them that anything short of what Raymond Kyle Williams is now determined to do if given the chance is not enough and will not quell or satiate the rising chorus for the freedom to marry and equality. Ask them to choose this day whom they will serve, because our decision day is coming too, Tuesday, November 4th, 2014. We need someone who is willing to draw a line in the sand for freedom, equality, love and respect. We now have that person. Will they be that someone too? If not, our choice in November has now been made easy.

Rep. Dr. Karla Drenner - 404-656-0202
Rep. Simone Bell- 404-656-0325 Mobile 404-641-2253
Rep. Keisha Waites- 404-656-0220 - Office
Rep. Stacey Abrams 404-656-5058 - Office, 404-378-9434 - Office
Rep. Mable Thomas 404-656-6372
Sen. Curt Thompson, Georgia Senate: 404-463-1318
Dubose Porter, Chair of Democratic Party of Georgia- 678-278-2016 ext. 301

To continue to drive the petition, please copy and paste this message into a phone text message to 10 friends: "If love and the freedom to marry are important to you, please support the petition to end of GA's Marriage Ban @: http://chn.ge/16SsVHo then fwd to 10 GA friends TY"

Support Kyle Williams @: http://kylewilliams2014.com

Lastly, continue to send in your testimonials about how Georgia's Marriage Inequality Laws have impacted your life. Please post these testimonies on our facebook group ( www.facebook.com/LoveUnderFire ) and/or email dir.loveunderfire@aol.com. As they come in, I am asking Rep. Waites to share these testimonies with those who might need to see and consider the real-life circumstances of what some of you out there are experiencing due to the current state of affairs. Also were are in the midst of producing a 2014 promotional video around the theme of testifying to love and need content. Please send you pictures as well.

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