Monday, April 21, 2014


"Sure enough, I tell you the truth, if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move! If anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it is as good as done and nothing will be impossible for you.” -Jesus of Nazareth (Mark 11:23/Matthew 17:20)

Two years ago when I first began work on advancing marriage equality in the state of Georgia, the atmosphere was very discouraging. We had not yet a President endorse our cause. We had not yet the mayor of our state capitol become an outspoken advocate. We had not yet polling support in GA drawing to a split. We had only half of the marriage equality states that we do now. Being just three years new in the state at the time, I had a lot of catching up to do, and I immediately set about the work of getting brought up to pace on all that has transpired with the cause up until that moment. My informers were Rep. Dr. Karla Drenner, talk show radio host, Betty Couvertier, Rev. Paul Turner of Gentle Spirit Christian Church, Paul Shappaugh of Queer Justice League and GetEqualGA, and Kathy Kelly, founder of the MEGA Family Project. These were individuals who were in the trenches during the first fight for marriage equality in the state in 2004. They saw the movement roll up, and they saw it fold and they were more than willing to fill me in with their individual perspectives, coupled with internet research of course. Kelly, told me that I'd never raise enough money to pull it off. Dr. Drenner as a legislator told me that she did not foresee the feasibility of raising the issue under the state capitol until about the year 2025, when Democrats might have a chance at regaining control of both houses. Over the past 6 months with the help of 2584 participants in the "Begin The Repeal of GA's Marriage Ban" petition, we have now accelerated that timeline by an entire decade.

Why did Jesus choose a mustard seed for his analogy? Yes, it is small, about the size of a grain of salt. But the seeds of pine trees are much smaller, that tiny pollen stuff which is almost microscopic and grows up to be much larger than a mustard tree. There is something even deeper than size about the mustard seed. The mustard seed is one of those "snooty" or "antisocial" kinds of seeds which will not germinate alongside any other kind of seed. It is absolute. All of us believe in something. The two kinds of beliefs are faith and fear, and they are fraternal brothers, mirror opposites of the same coin. They both require a belief in what is not yet seen. But they contradict and oppose one another like two poles of a magnet. You can not have both kinds of beliefs, a faith mixed fear or a hope mixed with doubt. You have to make a decision about what kind of belief you are going to adopt. The kind of belief you choose to adopt will determine your destiny to a great extent. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" -Proverbs 23:7. If you believe you can't, you are absolutely right. No one can help you do it, for you'll mess that up. For when you utter the word "CAN'T" you shutdown your creative genius to all the options which lie before you. But if you believe that you can make it, no one can stop you, no matter what they do. They'll close one door and this window will open! When you say "I CAN!" or "YES, WE CAN!" your mind immediately begins exploring the hows to get it done and make it happen. When you have a mustard seed kind of faith, there is absolutely nothing to the contrary and no alternative. You keep your mind sealed tight against all the influences and negative talk of nay-sayers. All the sea in the world can not sink a ship until it gets inside. But once it does, you are in trouble, for doubt will come in like a drop of ink and turn your whole mind to darkness and defeat. Jack Canfield, the author of the "Chicken Soup For The Soul Series" says, and I concur that "Everything you want is on the other side of fear." Secondly, you can not hope to reap any benefit from any belief so long as you behave as if the opposite is true. "Faith without works, is dead and useless being on its own." -James 2:25

"Death and Life are in the power of the tongue" -Proverbs 18:21

Even if you don't accept a metaphysical explanation of the power of words, logic follows that words carry ideas and accepted ideas become beliefs. Beliefs becomes plans and plans become actions. "Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” -Lao Tzu

Some of the greatest wars in history were started over something as simple as a verbal insult. Someone hurled a word which damaged someone's fragile ego and that person sought retribution to protect their honor and so on, the seeds had been sown for war, death and destruction.

Words cast spells, that's why it's called spelling. So let's determine to use or words to cast good spells and sow good seeds which affirms that which we could and should be, do and have. Stop saying it's going to take a Gujillion dollars and a lot of dead old conservatives to win Marriage Equality in Georgia. Stop saying that Georgia is going to be the last state to get on board with marriage equality. STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! Yes, it may take a substantial amount of funds to run an effective campaign capable of winning marriage equality in a relatively short amount of time, but like my Grandaddy used to ask me, "How do you eat an elephant?....One bite at a time." One dollar at a time, one person at a time. Do you have $1, $10, $100 or $1000 or any amount in between? Do you have 1, 10, 100 or 1000 friends who have $1, $10, $100 or $1000 or any amount in between? Sit back and do the math and what if another 1, 10, 100 or 1000 people you don't know did the same? But it all starts with you....yes, I am talking directly to you. One example is worth millions by inspiration, I tell you, which is a whole lot better than sitting like a bump on a log feeling sorry for ourselves. If you are ready for the challenge, hold on to this thought and I show you how you can fight with however many dollars you have to fight with.

Now, I'm not telling anyone to be delusional or naive. It is important to see things and people clearly as they are. That's called discernment. But there is another leadership trait which is just as important as discernment and that is Vision. With vision, though you can see what is, you do not accept things as they are given to you if it does not honor and edify truth, and justice and the best ideals your imagination can fathom. If discernment is seeing what is, Vision is seeing what could be, which has not yet manifested. Every inventor there ever was needed to be a visionary. You can not be a change agent, a catalyst, if you do not have vision. You would only be as good as a blind guide who at least knows where we are, but not a clue as to where we should go. We are currently in state of affairs where we are in a desperate need of change, because we can not go on this way. There are already enough leaders in our community who can school you quite accurately on all that we have been through and will paint you a dreary picture of the truth of what we are dealing with right now at this moment. But this story is only a one-sided half truth. What do opponents of equality have to deal with in terms of us who are determined to realize equality in the state of Georgia? They do not tell this story. This is why we need visionaries who will be the lights against the darkness. I say there is indeed something building in Georgia which is "just" on the precipice of sprouting above the surface a tremendous force to be reckoned with, which is rooted in eternal principles and burning with truth and soul, and it will come in like a tidal wave. This is not some time in the near or far future. It is happening NOW. All that the leading attorneys describe about the Eleventh district or the legislators describe about our Republican controlled state or what the journalists teach about what the old conservative votary did 10 years ago will be no match for it. They will be converted into assets.

For this reason, I say with perfect conviction that if you are an LGBT individual living in Georgia and you wish to get married, NOW is the time to find somebody if you were waiting for marriage equality to come to the Peach State. If you have someone already and you were waiting on Georgia, NOW is the time to propose and get engaged. Don't just get engaged to each other. Get engaged in the movement. If you are single, get engaged in the movement. Where else are you going to find other marriage, family and commitment minded individuals? To get yourself in the right mindset, if you need to go so far as to get yourself a ring to fall in love with yourself, and once you've found that one you love as much as you love yourself, give them that ring, DO IT! If you have no desire to ever marry, but you believe in the principles of love, equality, justice and respect, then get engaged with your principles or accept your hypocrisy. Everyone needs to get engaged, because surely I tell you the truth from the top of my light house, with protracted telescope, change and equality is on its way home in Georgia, driving at an incredibly fast clip and you won't want to miss the historical moment of its arrival. I would buy advanced party tickets to celebrate it now if I could. You'll talk about it to your grandchildren, and your grand nieces and nephews and from the lectern to tomorrow's college students. I'm no prophet. If you got engaged, you would see exactly what I see so that I would not have to clear my throat to soon utter those hated words, "I told you so!" Below is how you can get engaged.

Grassroots Activity:

Thursday, April 24th 7PM: Love Under Fire Spring '14 Planning Session #1, open to the public. Get involved with the coming grassroots activity of The Love Under Fire Campaign. We are needing those interested in leading, organizing and participating in future activities during the remainder of this year. Join us at First Christian Church of Decatur, 601 W. Ponce De Leon Ave, Decatur, GA 30030 2nd floor. We need your talents, your passion and your energy. We will be developing further infrastructure in our campaign, detailing actions and phonebanking for the our next session in May. Bring a telephone contact list. If you have an interest in being a part of this, please contact our Secretary, Barry Stern at 678-760-0746 and/or email him at

Saturday, April 26th 6PM-7:30PM: Be a part of the Fourth Annual Beloved Community Dialogue: An Intergenerational Conversation about Marriage Equalilty at The Friends School of Atlanta, the only Quaker school in Georgia. To be moderated by Fulton County Commissioner Joan Garner, the panel discussing marriage equality will include: Robin Shahar, Mayor of Atlanta’s Adviser on LGBT issues; Dr. Susan Barrett, psychologist/advocate for LGBT families; Branden Mattox, Director of the Love Under Fire Campaign to repeal the Georgia ban on same-sex marriage; and Conrad Honicker, gay activist/student. The conversation will examine issues related to marriage equality ranging from legal,to the implications for families, to activism efforts, to rapidly changing attitudes about marriage equality, especially among younger people. If you have interests in getting involved in this movement as an activist, here is your opportunity to thoroughly educate yourself. If you really wish to get the most impact out of this event, bring along a "fence-sitter" or even an "objectionist" if you can. If you doubt your own abilities to challenge the nay-sayers in your life, the panel is stocked with over 100 years worth of civil rights and social justice activism experience combined, which is well equipped to address any reservations your guests may have. In fact, we prefer not to preach to the choir to make for a lively discussion. You don't have to be a Thurgood Marshall yourself to argue for equality before the court of public opinions. You may use discussion events such as these. Get more details and register here:

Thursday, May 1st: "Sonny" & Joyce "Jazzie" Jones-Smith are launching a statewide initiative to take a stand on Marriage Equality in the State of Georgia to encourage the 21,000+ same sex couples living in Georgia to go to their local county courthouse and apply for a marriage license on May 1st, 2014. Learn more about this here: ; $$ Remember those who said that we'll never raise enough money to pull it off, here's your opportunity to prove them wrong. Many of us who or working tirelessly and passionately for marriage equality are not being paid to do so. We do it because it is the right thing to do, and our conscience would not allow us to do otherwise at such a time as this. However, no war is ever won by a poorly outfitted and poorly equipped army. This couple is needing the funds necessary to get the word out about their movement, "OUR" movement with billboards, radio ads and other means which engage the public at large. Please help them with whatever you are able going to: $$$

Tuesday, May 19th 7PM: Alternative Perspectives- Tune into 89.3FM Atlanta or livestream online at Betty Couvertier's Marriage Equality segment featuring Branden Mattox and special guests this month, Amanda Newkirk Carver, Georgia Marriage Equality petitioner to the Governer. Invite over 5 friends to listen and/or call-in to the show at 404-523-8989. Then discuss afterwards featuring potluck desert (Strawberry Shortcake) and game night, cards, monopoly, charades whatever. Have those 5 friends invite 5 more, and alternate hosting for this show which will occur every 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 7PM. If we wish to publicly host and invite for a listening party, please post your venue at or e-mail

ONLINE: From Marriage Matters Georgia- Sign the petition to protest the Georgia Department of Revenue's policy that requires these couples to file their returns as “single” rather than “married.”

Join the IDOMARATHON Support Team: Kacey and Chwanda Fierson-Nixon a Jonesboro couple have been cris-crossing the nation with their 7 children collecting marriage licences to build a moral case against the state of Georgia which nullifies each and every one of them where this couple resides. They are now currently on tour and will return on 4/25. They have plans soon on taking to the Western States could really use all of the moral, spiritual, and financial support you are able to offer them. Like and learn about how to support them and get the word out.

Civic Engagements:

With marriage equality coming to the state capitol at the next legislative session, by all means we need to do whatever it takes to get possession of the high ground, which means for us, the Governor's Office. If we want to win equality, we have no other choice other than Jason Carter, and he is not a bad choice, the grandson of former Georgia governor and US President, Jimmy Carter. With him as governor, the fight under the Gold Dome, will not be as steep. The requisite of signatures in both houses is only 51% to reach the Governor's desk, and we can count on Carter's signature. This is opposed to the 75% which will be needed to overturn a veto we can expect from Governor Deal. This is why Carter's election is crucial. "Take the high ground, facing the sunny side." Sun Tzu in The Art of War. Please get involved with his campaign and help him to victory however you are able at

Our US Senator, Saxby Chambliss is retiring, which means one less conservative vote in the US Senate. We need to keep it that way with Obama's "Respect For Marriage Act" moving through congress. Surely, conservatives in this state will be vying to maintain that conservative vote and Michelle Nunn is our answer to defeating their efforts and bolstering the voice for equality, namely in the South. She now has a dedicated LGBT contingent which meets bi-weekly for phonebanking, telefundraising and canvassing. The next game night for her LGBT contingent is this Wednesday, April 23rd, starting at 5:30PM-9PM at 1206 Spring St NW, Atlanta GA 30309. You may also contact Andy Ratto for further details @ work: 404-445-6700 ext 133 or cell: 678-561-7248. You will be paid in pizza and snacks. Learn about more opportunities of getting involved at ;

Ahead of Rep. Dr. Karla Drenner's and fellow progressive voices in the State House resolution to begin repeals of Georgia's Marriage Ban in 2015, Kyle Williams was the first to announce that he would "unequivocally and without hesitation" do so if elected to replace Jason Carter as Senator of Georgia's 42nd district. Regardless of what Drenner and what her caucus decides to do, we still need him and his intentions in the Senate. If elected, he would be the first and only "openly" gay male in the Georgia Senate, which means that when the conversation reaches that side of our government, we have someone who knows personally, not vicariously our struggles and can effectively advocate for them. How can you help him to victory? His headquarters, The High House at 1830 Sycamore St, Decatur, GA 30030 will be open from 2:30 through 7pm on Tuesday through Thursdays for:
- Phone invites to our Meet & Greet events
- Filling out neighbor-2-neighbor cards
- Helping with data entry (for someone who has a laptop you can bring)
- Helping with list cleanup in Kyle's contacts
- Organizing materials for Kyle and volunteers who are canvassing

Each Saturday - we'll have Walk With Kyle days where volunteers can come to High House at 10:30 and head out with Kyle to walk a neighborhood door-to-door. Learn about other ways you can help @

You may always choose to work independently yet in tandem with this movement. Doing what you can do from where you are is what this all about. You don't have to wait for anyone's permission to get to work. You may start with forwarding this e-mail. His is a list of 10 other things you may do.

If you have any related events you would like to add to our calendar, please e-mail details about it.

And now, I send you off with a weekly tune to pump up your spirits: "ONE" by India Arie: 

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