"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread."
-Mother Teresa (1910-1997) Founder of the Missionaries of Charity
Against her wishes, I am going to praise my friend anyway! Get a load of her mind in an e-mail sent to me:
I don't know why y'all call me a straight ally or much worse a 'fag-hag' or 'Mary'. What (TF) is that? I just love people. That's all that is. People who don't love people are people who don't really love themselves. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people are people and so I love them. Some are jerks and some are sweethearts just like anybody else. Regardless of the jerks no group has figured out how to get rid of, it is not right to treat any group of people different than any other group. I don't care what your reasons are, it's wrong, it's reprehensible and I'm going to continue to say it because it is the TRUTH! I've made up my mind about equality a long time ago, and I had thought this country had too. Sadly, we are still stuck at indecision when it comes to LGBT people.
The reason we have not fully decided on inequality is because when you get to know personally a few LGBT people and have true and genuine relationships with them, something about it just doesn't sit well with your heart and we KNOW IT'S WRONG, and the Bible is no excuse. GOD's Laws are alive and are written on my heart and not dead on some paper poorly interpreted four hundred years ago when we still had 'Christians in name' enslaving other human beings and looking to the Bible for permission. GOD'S LAW is LOVE, and if you had it, you could never allow yourself to hold a slave, or not want true happiness and equality for our fellow human beings. I remember you sharing with me that Love is seeing yourself in others and then desiring for them all that you would want for yourself and not necessarily how you would want it, because tastes may differ. For example, I enjoy eating good food, so I desire everyone to be able to eat good food, and not necessarily the kind I enjoy but to eat what is tasty and pleasing to them. I want to be loved and appreciated as special above all people to one person who is worthy of me committing my life to them in life partnership and they to me. For me, I desire this to come in the form of a man. The desired form of this may differ for someone else, but the desired love is the same and I want them to have that. Not everyone wants or need a BMW like a drive, but I wish everyone who wants and need a car to have a suitable and reliable car that pleases them. Who doesn't need love? Try enjoying a full delicious meal in front of the face of a hungry person and tell me something deep down inside you won't disturb you. That's GOD, and that's how I feel about marriage inequality. I love being married. It's a wonderful thing, not just for me, but for my kids. Who am I to be able to have that and others can't with all of the protections, privileges and validations I enjoy? I ain't nobody special. It's sickening and it breaks my heart. This is what I know for sure. Therefore, the only and most grievous sin is the absence of Love, for if we have not Love, then we have not GOD for GOD is love. When we have not love, we then have killings, lies, adultery, theft, jealousy, pride, dishonor, resentment, and discrimination. The first 6 of the ten commandments are about honoring that which is greater than and goes beyond us. Commandment 3 is about honoring a true GOD which is invisibly all and in all. The remaining 4 commandments are about honoring with love the GOD which is in each other.
People will get mad at me for telling it like it is, because deep down inside, they know I'm right and their hearts are in conflict with what the Bible says, so which do you follow? Jesus did harshly criticize the Pharisees, saying 'You swallow a camel and strain out a gnat.' as to tell them, they're full of it. 'You follow the letter of the Law, but neglect the heart of the law, the weightier matters of mercy, justice, and good faith.' Don't have me go to church on these church folks, because I will. Get your pipe organ ready. They keep talking about Judgement Day and forget that GOD's Judgement will begin with the Church. Lightning will strike the church steeple first before it goes anywhere else, if you believe in that kind of wrathful GOD. So if Judgement Day is indeed near, the last place I want to be is in a church. I need to be out there preaching to people about GOD's LOVE and if necessary, using words.
I'm a human being, and you're a human being. If this is true, than nothing human should be alien to me. I'm not gay. I'm not even kinda gay, but when you tell me you love Mr. so-and-so, I believe you, I feel it and I totally get it and anyone who has ever been in love should be able to 'get it' too, butterflies and all. If we are willing to open up or minds and our hearts, we will clearly see that we are way much more alike than we are different. We all hope, we love, we have fears, we make errors and we all bleed red when cut. I believe one of the greatest hopes of all of us is not for money, importance, power or fame, but for love. We hope for the Love of GOD, we hope for the love of a romantic partner, we hope for the love of family and friends and we want the love of ourselves, to be comfortable in our own skin and proud to be to be the people we were made to be. Without that, money, importance, power or fame is not even worth having. It will be a sickening reminder of the love you don't have. What many of these so-called Christians are out to do to LGBT people is to crush your greatest hopes on all accounts, because the Bible tells them to. When they succeed, they sit dumb-founded when so many of you commit suicide or become numb to life. They try to convince you that you can not have GOD's unconditional love, blessings and protections unless you become something you are not. They tell you that the most beautiful thing about you, your love and romance, is ugly, perverted and sick, hated by the most loving thing in the universe, GOD, so you can't have that. When you try to love yourself, it's called flaunting. Unless you change who you are and what you feel, you're cut off from fellowship with family and friends. That's not love, that's cruelty.
So to wrap this up, don't give me special titles or any kind of hero worship for just being a human being and recognizing and honoring your humanity. Just call me a friend and a fellow human being who, like you, is trying to get through this crazy experience we call life with you. What hurts you, hurts me. When you are happy, I glow too. That's what love is. Others who think differently than I, simply believe that they are more human than you, no matter how you slice it. You know I've always been one to call a spade a spade, so if you publish this, I wish to remain anonymous so that others will not get mad at me but at the truth.
-Yours for the cause of love
Human Being
You may have thought that marriage equality was simply about equal rights. But we are pursuing something even more important here; the Truth of Love. A truth which is an antithesis to what she has just described, "They tell you that the most beautiful thing about you, your love and romance, is ugly, perverted and sick, hated by the most loving thing in the universe, GOD, so you can't have that. Unless you change who you are and what you feel, you're cut off from fellowship with family and friends." Because of this proverbial lie, many LGBT people deny themselves their own love. As Mother Teresa would agree, without love, the soul starves to death with no incentive to live. If it is a lie that homosexuality forfeits the love and acceptance of GOD, of friends and family, of romance and of self, then we must commit to continuing to do all that we must do to ensure the honor of legal equality in every respect for our relationships and our families. I earnestly believe that for many young LGBT people, just being able to hope to marry the one they love with legal validation and protections is going to save lives. It may take a generation or two to completely eradicate the lie. But for that to begin, this generation must have marriage equality, and we can, we must and will get it within the immediate future.in all 50 states and then worldwide. Let's make America the beacon of light it once was as a world leader for freedom and equality. We can only do this by focusing our efforts on where we live and for many of us, this is Georgia. Now, that we are closing in on Georgia's Marriage Ban from all directions, are you engaged? We can certainly use you and your love.
Grassroots Activity:
Tuesday, May 20th 7PM: Alternative Perspectives- Tune into 89.3FM Atlanta or livestream online at http://wrfg.org/howlisten.asp Betty Couvertier's Marriage Equality segment featuring Branden Mattox and special guests this month, Amanda Newkirk Carver, Georgia Marriage Equality petitioner to the Governer. Invite over 5 friends to listen and/or call-in to the show at 404-523-8989. Then discuss afterwards featuring potluck desert (Strawberry Shortcake) and game night, cards, monopoly, charades whatever. Have those 5 friends invite 5 more, and alternate hosting for this show which will occur every 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 7PM. If you wish to publicly host and invite for a listening party, please post your venue at www.facebook.com/LoveUnderFire or e-mail dir.loveunderfire@aol.com
BLOCK JUDGE BOGGS: Georgia's Marriage Equality Class Action Lawsuit is headed for the lions den if it is to be argued before Judge Boggs. To increase the odds of winning, let's do what we can do block the nomination of Judge Michael Boggs to the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. Learn how and why here: http://equalityfederation.salsalabs.com/o/35006/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=1445
#MAYDAYGAEQUALITY: "Sonny" & Joyce "Jazzie" Jones-Smith have launched a statewide initiative to take a stand on Marriage Equality in the State of Georgia to encourage the 21,000+ same sex couples living in Georgia to go to their local county courthouse and apply for a marriage license:
During any weekday day in May except Memorial Day 5/26, go to your local courthouse and apply for a marriage license. Take a picture of your denial paperwork and use hashtag #maydaygaequality in your social media postings: Here are a few things to remember:
1. Make sure that you and your partner both have valid ID.
2. If either or both have been previously married you will need to bring a copy of the divorce decree with you to apply.
3. Know your rights! Although it is illegal to be issued a license YOU HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT to apply.
4. It is FREE to apply. It is illegal for the clerk to ask for money (especially non-refundable money) to process your application. The $66 fee is FOR THE LICENSE once it is approved.
5. This is a peaceful demonstration. You may be treated unfairly but remain calm. Be polite during the process, regardless of how you are treated.
Why is this important?
Applying and being denied may seem silly to some, but you must understand that your information is being sent to the capitol to be stored in a database. The couples that apply this month are making history and sending a message ultimately to the Supreme Court! It also heightens the local urgency and strengthens the argument for a speedy and fair resolution in regards to the Class-Action lawsuit underway and the Legislative Repeal pending in 2015. We want Marriage Equality!
So go out and apply!!! Tell us about your experience.
Help them get the word out about this event and further organize by donating to:
http://www.prlog.org/12304834-sonny-jazzie-of-louddmouthradiocom-launches-mayday-georgia-marriage-equality-initiative.html ; $$ Remember those who said that we'll never raise enough money to pull it off, here's your opportunity to prove them wrong. Many of us who or working tirelessly and passionately for marriage equality are not being paid to do so. We do it because it is the right thing to do, and our conscience would not allow us to do otherwise at such a time as this. However, no war is ever won by a poorly outfitted and poorly equipped army. This couple is needing the funds necessary to get the word out about their movement, "OUR" movement with billboards, radio ads and other means which engage the public at large. Please help them with whatever you are able going to: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/louddmouthradio-com-mayday-georgia-marriage-equality-campaign $$$
Thursday, July 17th, 7PM- OPERATION: YES, WE DO! (SATYAGRAHA UNIVERSITY)- At First Christian Church of Decatur, 601 W. Ponce De Leon Ave, Decatur, GA 30030. 2nd Floor. Recruiting active participants in ongoing public demonstrations to dramatize the injustice of marriage discrimination in the state of Georgia to convict the public conscience that GA's Marriage Ban MUST END! To prepare for this, we ask that you register for our monthly workshops, where you can learn and practice the Gandhian principle of Nonviolence (non-violation) and harnessing the spirit of LOVE and TRUTH in the act of Civil Disobedience for social change. The classes are to be taught by veteran field organizer for SOUL FORCE, Rev. Townley McGiffert from the text (Nonviolent Resistance by M.K. Gandhi). Upon graduation, you will have the opportunity to practice your skills in the execution of a strategic series of marches, vigils, rallies and actions of civil disobedience primarily throughout the remainder of 2014. The primary purposes of this is the further the awareness, to agitate and dramatize the conversation around marriage discrimination and to heighten the urgency and pressure for speedy action within the state legislature and the class action lawsuit underway. We are needing Gay and Lesbian couples seeking marriage, equality advocates and supportive straight allies. Please invite at least 10 to this movement. Please RSVP here: http://www.facebook.com/events/273288932845220/ and or call 404-492-4197 or 404-604-8124
OPERATION: VOICES OF REASON- Now that the end of GA's Marriage Ban has begun, the next phase is to build popular support for marriage equality in Georgia by leading a campaign to encourage Georgia based celebrities and public persons of influence to deliver a Video PSA speaking from their hearts in support of marriage equality in GA to Southerners For The Freedom To Marry, HRC or independently for the use in television ads, billboards and social media sharing. We are also interviewing and spotlighting in a blog feature Georgia Straight Allies who wish to give their personal and impassioned arguments for marriage equality to share by social media. If you know of any Georgia based celebrities or influential public personas you would like to pursue for this cause, please help us research their contact information and post in this group so that we may begin sending them collective requests. To participate, please join facebook group here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/162790130594479/
Join the IDOMARATHON Support Team: Kacey and Chwanda Fierson-Nixon are a Jonesboro couple have been cris-crossing the nation with their 7 children collecting marriage licences to build a moral case against the state of Georgia which nullifies each and every one of them where this couple resides. They have just returned from their second tour and have plans of launching another in the near future with any couple who wishes to be a tag-along. Everyone is welcomed to join the cheer leading squad. They have plans soon on taking to the Western States and could really use all of the moral, spiritual, and financial support you are able to offer them. Like https://www.facebook.com/IDOMARATHON and learn about how to support them and get the word out. There are plans developing to launch a Western tour perhaps in December of 2014 to bring along other Georgia LGBT couples in a Marriage Freedom Ride across the nation. STAY TUNED and we hope you will take part.
The reason we have not fully decided on inequality is because when you get to know personally a few LGBT people and have true and genuine relationships with them, something about it just doesn't sit well with your heart and we KNOW IT'S WRONG, and the Bible is no excuse. GOD's Laws are alive and are written on my heart and not dead on some paper poorly interpreted four hundred years ago when we still had 'Christians in name' enslaving other human beings and looking to the Bible for permission. GOD'S LAW is LOVE, and if you had it, you could never allow yourself to hold a slave, or not want true happiness and equality for our fellow human beings. I remember you sharing with me that Love is seeing yourself in others and then desiring for them all that you would want for yourself and not necessarily how you would want it, because tastes may differ. For example, I enjoy eating good food, so I desire everyone to be able to eat good food, and not necessarily the kind I enjoy but to eat what is tasty and pleasing to them. I want to be loved and appreciated as special above all people to one person who is worthy of me committing my life to them in life partnership and they to me. For me, I desire this to come in the form of a man. The desired form of this may differ for someone else, but the desired love is the same and I want them to have that. Not everyone wants or need a BMW like a drive, but I wish everyone who wants and need a car to have a suitable and reliable car that pleases them. Who doesn't need love? Try enjoying a full delicious meal in front of the face of a hungry person and tell me something deep down inside you won't disturb you. That's GOD, and that's how I feel about marriage inequality. I love being married. It's a wonderful thing, not just for me, but for my kids. Who am I to be able to have that and others can't with all of the protections, privileges and validations I enjoy? I ain't nobody special. It's sickening and it breaks my heart. This is what I know for sure. Therefore, the only and most grievous sin is the absence of Love, for if we have not Love, then we have not GOD for GOD is love. When we have not love, we then have killings, lies, adultery, theft, jealousy, pride, dishonor, resentment, and discrimination. The first 6 of the ten commandments are about honoring that which is greater than and goes beyond us. Commandment 3 is about honoring a true GOD which is invisibly all and in all. The remaining 4 commandments are about honoring with love the GOD which is in each other.
People will get mad at me for telling it like it is, because deep down inside, they know I'm right and their hearts are in conflict with what the Bible says, so which do you follow? Jesus did harshly criticize the Pharisees, saying 'You swallow a camel and strain out a gnat.' as to tell them, they're full of it. 'You follow the letter of the Law, but neglect the heart of the law, the weightier matters of mercy, justice, and good faith.' Don't have me go to church on these church folks, because I will. Get your pipe organ ready. They keep talking about Judgement Day and forget that GOD's Judgement will begin with the Church. Lightning will strike the church steeple first before it goes anywhere else, if you believe in that kind of wrathful GOD. So if Judgement Day is indeed near, the last place I want to be is in a church. I need to be out there preaching to people about GOD's LOVE and if necessary, using words.
I'm a human being, and you're a human being. If this is true, than nothing human should be alien to me. I'm not gay. I'm not even kinda gay, but when you tell me you love Mr. so-and-so, I believe you, I feel it and I totally get it and anyone who has ever been in love should be able to 'get it' too, butterflies and all. If we are willing to open up or minds and our hearts, we will clearly see that we are way much more alike than we are different. We all hope, we love, we have fears, we make errors and we all bleed red when cut. I believe one of the greatest hopes of all of us is not for money, importance, power or fame, but for love. We hope for the Love of GOD, we hope for the love of a romantic partner, we hope for the love of family and friends and we want the love of ourselves, to be comfortable in our own skin and proud to be to be the people we were made to be. Without that, money, importance, power or fame is not even worth having. It will be a sickening reminder of the love you don't have. What many of these so-called Christians are out to do to LGBT people is to crush your greatest hopes on all accounts, because the Bible tells them to. When they succeed, they sit dumb-founded when so many of you commit suicide or become numb to life. They try to convince you that you can not have GOD's unconditional love, blessings and protections unless you become something you are not. They tell you that the most beautiful thing about you, your love and romance, is ugly, perverted and sick, hated by the most loving thing in the universe, GOD, so you can't have that. When you try to love yourself, it's called flaunting. Unless you change who you are and what you feel, you're cut off from fellowship with family and friends. That's not love, that's cruelty.
So to wrap this up, don't give me special titles or any kind of hero worship for just being a human being and recognizing and honoring your humanity. Just call me a friend and a fellow human being who, like you, is trying to get through this crazy experience we call life with you. What hurts you, hurts me. When you are happy, I glow too. That's what love is. Others who think differently than I, simply believe that they are more human than you, no matter how you slice it. You know I've always been one to call a spade a spade, so if you publish this, I wish to remain anonymous so that others will not get mad at me but at the truth.
-Yours for the cause of love
Human Being
You may have thought that marriage equality was simply about equal rights. But we are pursuing something even more important here; the Truth of Love. A truth which is an antithesis to what she has just described, "They tell you that the most beautiful thing about you, your love and romance, is ugly, perverted and sick, hated by the most loving thing in the universe, GOD, so you can't have that. Unless you change who you are and what you feel, you're cut off from fellowship with family and friends." Because of this proverbial lie, many LGBT people deny themselves their own love. As Mother Teresa would agree, without love, the soul starves to death with no incentive to live. If it is a lie that homosexuality forfeits the love and acceptance of GOD, of friends and family, of romance and of self, then we must commit to continuing to do all that we must do to ensure the honor of legal equality in every respect for our relationships and our families. I earnestly believe that for many young LGBT people, just being able to hope to marry the one they love with legal validation and protections is going to save lives. It may take a generation or two to completely eradicate the lie. But for that to begin, this generation must have marriage equality, and we can, we must and will get it within the immediate future.in all 50 states and then worldwide. Let's make America the beacon of light it once was as a world leader for freedom and equality. We can only do this by focusing our efforts on where we live and for many of us, this is Georgia. Now, that we are closing in on Georgia's Marriage Ban from all directions, are you engaged? We can certainly use you and your love.
Grassroots Activity:
Tuesday, May 20th 7PM: Alternative Perspectives- Tune into 89.3FM Atlanta or livestream online at http://wrfg.org/howlisten.asp Betty Couvertier's Marriage Equality segment featuring Branden Mattox and special guests this month, Amanda Newkirk Carver, Georgia Marriage Equality petitioner to the Governer. Invite over 5 friends to listen and/or call-in to the show at 404-523-8989. Then discuss afterwards featuring potluck desert (Strawberry Shortcake) and game night, cards, monopoly, charades whatever. Have those 5 friends invite 5 more, and alternate hosting for this show which will occur every 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 7PM. If you wish to publicly host and invite for a listening party, please post your venue at www.facebook.com/LoveUnderFire or e-mail dir.loveunderfire@aol.com
BLOCK JUDGE BOGGS: Georgia's Marriage Equality Class Action Lawsuit is headed for the lions den if it is to be argued before Judge Boggs. To increase the odds of winning, let's do what we can do block the nomination of Judge Michael Boggs to the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. Learn how and why here: http://equalityfederation.salsalabs.com/o/35006/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=1445
#MAYDAYGAEQUALITY: "Sonny" & Joyce "Jazzie" Jones-Smith have launched a statewide initiative to take a stand on Marriage Equality in the State of Georgia to encourage the 21,000+ same sex couples living in Georgia to go to their local county courthouse and apply for a marriage license:
During any weekday day in May except Memorial Day 5/26, go to your local courthouse and apply for a marriage license. Take a picture of your denial paperwork and use hashtag #maydaygaequality in your social media postings: Here are a few things to remember:
1. Make sure that you and your partner both have valid ID.
2. If either or both have been previously married you will need to bring a copy of the divorce decree with you to apply.
3. Know your rights! Although it is illegal to be issued a license YOU HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT to apply.
4. It is FREE to apply. It is illegal for the clerk to ask for money (especially non-refundable money) to process your application. The $66 fee is FOR THE LICENSE once it is approved.
5. This is a peaceful demonstration. You may be treated unfairly but remain calm. Be polite during the process, regardless of how you are treated.
Why is this important?
Applying and being denied may seem silly to some, but you must understand that your information is being sent to the capitol to be stored in a database. The couples that apply this month are making history and sending a message ultimately to the Supreme Court! It also heightens the local urgency and strengthens the argument for a speedy and fair resolution in regards to the Class-Action lawsuit underway and the Legislative Repeal pending in 2015. We want Marriage Equality!
So go out and apply!!! Tell us about your experience.
Help them get the word out about this event and further organize by donating to:
http://www.prlog.org/12304834-sonny-jazzie-of-louddmouthradiocom-launches-mayday-georgia-marriage-equality-initiative.html ; $$ Remember those who said that we'll never raise enough money to pull it off, here's your opportunity to prove them wrong. Many of us who or working tirelessly and passionately for marriage equality are not being paid to do so. We do it because it is the right thing to do, and our conscience would not allow us to do otherwise at such a time as this. However, no war is ever won by a poorly outfitted and poorly equipped army. This couple is needing the funds necessary to get the word out about their movement, "OUR" movement with billboards, radio ads and other means which engage the public at large. Please help them with whatever you are able going to: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/louddmouthradio-com-mayday-georgia-marriage-equality-campaign $$$
Thursday, July 17th, 7PM- OPERATION: YES, WE DO! (SATYAGRAHA UNIVERSITY)- At First Christian Church of Decatur, 601 W. Ponce De Leon Ave, Decatur, GA 30030. 2nd Floor. Recruiting active participants in ongoing public demonstrations to dramatize the injustice of marriage discrimination in the state of Georgia to convict the public conscience that GA's Marriage Ban MUST END! To prepare for this, we ask that you register for our monthly workshops, where you can learn and practice the Gandhian principle of Nonviolence (non-violation) and harnessing the spirit of LOVE and TRUTH in the act of Civil Disobedience for social change. The classes are to be taught by veteran field organizer for SOUL FORCE, Rev. Townley McGiffert from the text (Nonviolent Resistance by M.K. Gandhi). Upon graduation, you will have the opportunity to practice your skills in the execution of a strategic series of marches, vigils, rallies and actions of civil disobedience primarily throughout the remainder of 2014. The primary purposes of this is the further the awareness, to agitate and dramatize the conversation around marriage discrimination and to heighten the urgency and pressure for speedy action within the state legislature and the class action lawsuit underway. We are needing Gay and Lesbian couples seeking marriage, equality advocates and supportive straight allies. Please invite at least 10 to this movement. Please RSVP here: http://www.facebook.com/events/273288932845220/ and or call 404-492-4197 or 404-604-8124
OPERATION: VOICES OF REASON- Now that the end of GA's Marriage Ban has begun, the next phase is to build popular support for marriage equality in Georgia by leading a campaign to encourage Georgia based celebrities and public persons of influence to deliver a Video PSA speaking from their hearts in support of marriage equality in GA to Southerners For The Freedom To Marry, HRC or independently for the use in television ads, billboards and social media sharing. We are also interviewing and spotlighting in a blog feature Georgia Straight Allies who wish to give their personal and impassioned arguments for marriage equality to share by social media. If you know of any Georgia based celebrities or influential public personas you would like to pursue for this cause, please help us research their contact information and post in this group so that we may begin sending them collective requests. To participate, please join facebook group here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/162790130594479/
Join the IDOMARATHON Support Team: Kacey and Chwanda Fierson-Nixon are a Jonesboro couple have been cris-crossing the nation with their 7 children collecting marriage licences to build a moral case against the state of Georgia which nullifies each and every one of them where this couple resides. They have just returned from their second tour and have plans of launching another in the near future with any couple who wishes to be a tag-along. Everyone is welcomed to join the cheer leading squad. They have plans soon on taking to the Western States and could really use all of the moral, spiritual, and financial support you are able to offer them. Like https://www.facebook.com/IDOMARATHON and learn about how to support them and get the word out. There are plans developing to launch a Western tour perhaps in December of 2014 to bring along other Georgia LGBT couples in a Marriage Freedom Ride across the nation. STAY TUNED and we hope you will take part.
Civic Engagements: VOTE TODAY, TUESDAY MAY 20th. FIND YOUR POLLING PLACE HERE: http://mvp.sos.state.ga.us/
With marriage equality coming to the state capitol at the next legislative session, by all means we need to do whatever it takes to get possession of the high ground, which means for us, the Governor's Office. If we want to win equality, we have no other choice other than Jason Carter, and he is not a bad choice, the grandson of former Georgia governor and US President, Jimmy Carter. With him as governor, the fight under the Gold Dome, will not be as steep. The requisite of signatures in both houses is only 51% to reach the Governor's desk, and we can count on Carter's signature. This is opposed to the 75% which will be needed to overturn a veto we can expect from Governor Deal. This is why Carter's election is crucial. "Take the high ground, facing the sunny side." Sun Tzu in The Art of War. Please get involved with his campaign and help him to victory however you are able at http://carterforgovernor.com/
Our US Senator, Saxby Chambliss is retiring, which means one less conservative vote in the US Senate. We need to keep it that way with Obama's "Respect For Marriage Act" moving through congress. Surely, conservatives in this state will be vying to maintain that conservative vote and Michelle Nunn is our answer to defeating their efforts and bolstering the voice for equality, namely in the South. She now has a dedicated LGBT contingent which meets bi-weekly for phonebanking, telefundraising and canvassing. The next game night for her LGBT contingent is this Wednesday, May 14th, starting at 5:30PM-9PM at 1206 Spring St NW, Atlanta GA 30309. You may also contact Andy Ratto for further details @ andy@georgiavictory2014.com work: 404-445-6700 ext 133 or cell: 678-561-7248. You will be paid in pizza and snacks. Learn about more opportunities of getting involved at www.michellenunn.com ;
Ahead of Rep. Dr. Karla Drenner's and fellow progressive voices in the State House resolution to begin repeals of Georgia's Marriage Ban in 2015, Kyle Williams was the first to announce that he would "unequivocally and without hesitation" do so if elected to replace Jason Carter as Senator of Georgia's 42nd district. Regardless of what Drenner and what her caucus decides to do, we still need him and his intentions in the Senate. If elected, he would be the first and only "openly" gay male in the Georgia Senate, which means that when the conversation reaches that side of our government, we have someone who knows personally, not vicariously our struggles and can effectively advocate for them. How can you help him to victory? His headquarters, The High House at 1830 Sycamore St, Decatur, GA 30030 will be open from 2:30 through 7pm on Tuesday through Thursdays for:
- Phone invites to our Meet & Greet events
- Filling out neighbor-2-neighbor cards
- Helping with data entry (for someone who has a laptop you can bring)
- Helping with list cleanup in Kyle's contacts
- Organizing materials for Kyle and volunteers who are canvassing
Each Saturday - we'll have Walk With Kyle days where volunteers can come to High House at 10:30 and head out with Kyle to walk a neighborhood door-to-door. Learn about other ways you can help @ http://kylewilliams2014.com/
With marriage equality coming to the state capitol at the next legislative session, by all means we need to do whatever it takes to get possession of the high ground, which means for us, the Governor's Office. If we want to win equality, we have no other choice other than Jason Carter, and he is not a bad choice, the grandson of former Georgia governor and US President, Jimmy Carter. With him as governor, the fight under the Gold Dome, will not be as steep. The requisite of signatures in both houses is only 51% to reach the Governor's desk, and we can count on Carter's signature. This is opposed to the 75% which will be needed to overturn a veto we can expect from Governor Deal. This is why Carter's election is crucial. "Take the high ground, facing the sunny side." Sun Tzu in The Art of War. Please get involved with his campaign and help him to victory however you are able at http://carterforgovernor.com/
Our US Senator, Saxby Chambliss is retiring, which means one less conservative vote in the US Senate. We need to keep it that way with Obama's "Respect For Marriage Act" moving through congress. Surely, conservatives in this state will be vying to maintain that conservative vote and Michelle Nunn is our answer to defeating their efforts and bolstering the voice for equality, namely in the South. She now has a dedicated LGBT contingent which meets bi-weekly for phonebanking, telefundraising and canvassing. The next game night for her LGBT contingent is this Wednesday, May 14th, starting at 5:30PM-9PM at 1206 Spring St NW, Atlanta GA 30309. You may also contact Andy Ratto for further details @ andy@georgiavictory2014.com work: 404-445-6700 ext 133 or cell: 678-561-7248. You will be paid in pizza and snacks. Learn about more opportunities of getting involved at www.michellenunn.com ;
Ahead of Rep. Dr. Karla Drenner's and fellow progressive voices in the State House resolution to begin repeals of Georgia's Marriage Ban in 2015, Kyle Williams was the first to announce that he would "unequivocally and without hesitation" do so if elected to replace Jason Carter as Senator of Georgia's 42nd district. Regardless of what Drenner and what her caucus decides to do, we still need him and his intentions in the Senate. If elected, he would be the first and only "openly" gay male in the Georgia Senate, which means that when the conversation reaches that side of our government, we have someone who knows personally, not vicariously our struggles and can effectively advocate for them. How can you help him to victory? His headquarters, The High House at 1830 Sycamore St, Decatur, GA 30030 will be open from 2:30 through 7pm on Tuesday through Thursdays for:
- Phone invites to our Meet & Greet events
- Filling out neighbor-2-neighbor cards
- Helping with data entry (for someone who has a laptop you can bring)
- Helping with list cleanup in Kyle's contacts
- Organizing materials for Kyle and volunteers who are canvassing
Each Saturday - we'll have Walk With Kyle days where volunteers can come to High House at 10:30 and head out with Kyle to walk a neighborhood door-to-door. Learn about other ways you can help @ http://kylewilliams2014.com/
You may always choose to work independently yet in tandem with this movement. Doing what you can do from where you are is what this all about. You don't have to wait for anyone's permission to get to work. You may start with forwarding this e-mail. His is a list of 10 other things you may do. http://loveunderfirega.blogspot.com/2013/01/what-can-i-do-in-name-of-love.html
If you have any related events you would like to add to our calendar, please e-mail dir.loveunderfire@aol.com details about it.
And now, I send you off with a weekly tune to pump up your spirits: "I Have Learned to Respect The Power Of Love" by Stephanie Mills:
If you have any related events you would like to add to our calendar, please e-mail dir.loveunderfire@aol.com details about it.
And now, I send you off with a weekly tune to pump up your spirits: "I Have Learned to Respect The Power Of Love" by Stephanie Mills:
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